#Brazil - #RioDeJaneiro
Death toll has risesen to 23 after heavy rainfall causes major flooding in suburb
#Petropolis #RíodeJaneiro #Brazil
... flooding and landslides
#Petropolis #Landslide and #flooding
#RioDeJaneiro #Brazil
Someone was inside the bus ...
#Brazil - Death toll after heavy rain, mudslides and flooding in the Rio suburb of Petropolis rises to 41
Thanks to those who also save/rescued four-legged strays, friends and family members
#Petropolis #RiodeJaneiro #Brazil #Flood #Flooding #Mudslides
Search and rescue Petropolis > dogs are also used to search for buried and missing persons.
The current death toll after mudslide and flooding is 44
#Brazil > #Petropolis #Mudslides
death toll rises to 66
Forecast is for more heavy rain in the next days.
Petropolis mudslide > another dog was found/rescued
#Brazil > #Petropolis #Mudslide
#animalrescue #Pets #Dog
Fire fighters find another dog during search and rescue missions.
#Brazil > #Petropolis #Mudslides
death toll has risen to 78
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