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Feb 22, 2022, 27 tweets

🛑🛑🛑 Reports on social media if shelling sounds that were heard in Donets’k
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

🛑🛑🛑 Reports on social media in the last hour of shelling sounds that were heard in Vodyanne , Azov, Lenins’ke and Sakhanka , all near Mariupol
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

🛑🛑🛑 Reports on social media of loud shelling sounds throughout of the city of Luhans’k
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

🛑🛑🛑Reports on social media of renewed shelling sounds in Donets’k
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

🛑🛑🛑 Reports on social media in the last hour of shelling sounds that were heard in Krasnohorivka, Staromykhalivka, Vodyanne , Azov, Lenins’ke and Sakhanka , all near Mariupol
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

🛑🛑🛑 Reports in social media : outgoing launches from Donets’k (#Putin regime controlled) >>> impacts in #Ukraine controlled Maryinka

Thanks to @WC_WhoCares which alerted me to it: stream from Staromykhalivka (near Donetsk , #Putin regime controlled )
#Ukraine #Russia

🛑🛑🛑Confirmation from Maryinka which is currently being shelled by the #Putin regime forces located in Donets’k city
#Ukraine #Russia

🛑🛑🛑#Putin regime backed terrorists allegations for this morning : 1 civilian wounded and 15 buildings damaged from “Ukrainian shelling” in Olexandrivka and Slav’yanoserbs’k.
3 civilians killed in a in “Ukrainian shelling” on a car near Horlivka (pictured)
#Russia #Ukraine

🛑🛑🛑 Reports on social media of the resumption of shelling sounds in the city of Luhans’k
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

❗️My thoughts this morning that despite all the false flag attacks up until now , not one of them was really big and deadly enough (like all west intel was assessing) to be used as a pretext for the expansion of the invasion into whole of #Ukraine.
#Russia #Putin

🛑🛑🛑 Reports on social media in the last hour of shelling sounds that were heard in Troits’ke , Sanzharivka, , Kryms’ke, Sokolnyky, Lopaskyne, Zhovte, Krasnohorivka, Staromykhalivka, Mariinka , Olexandrivka , Bohdanivka , Styla
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

‼️Same thing was announced today by the #Putin regime backed terrorists in the regime controlled part of the Donets’k region : “voluntary” conscription for men older then 55
#Ukraine #Russia

Senior #Putin regime enforcer confirmed that the regime will “recognize the independence” of the regime controlled parts of Luhans’k and Donets’k regions within its “native borders”, which include #Ukraine controlled areas

‼️The regime enforcer in question pedaled back a little , saying now that he believes “that they (the #Putin regime backed terrorists) have all the right to claim their historical borders” but added “that is something for them to decide not us”
#Ukraine #Russia

‼️The #Putin regime enforcer that usurped the position of Russians envoy to the UN Nebenzya : “The Minsk agreements are still active and Ukraine needs to adhere to them”
They gotta be fucking with us at this point
#Ukraine #Russia

This is how the outgoing shelling from Horlivka (#Putin regime controlled) this morning impacted Novoluhans’ke (#Ukraine controlled) a tiny village near Svitlodars’k

🛑🛑🛑 Reports on social media in the last hour of shelling sounds that were heard in Schastya, Vesela Hora, Novozvanivka, Kalynivo, Bohdanivka, Petrovs’ke, Pavlopil’, Chermalyk, Naberezhne, Tavriches’ke
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

The #Putin regime backed terrorists announced their claim over “all of the Luhansk region” saying that they will “demand the Ukrainian forces to peacefully retreat or else - measures will be taken”
#Ukraine #Russia

🛑🛑🛑Reports from social media that shelling sounds are heard in Luhansk again , also in Pervomaisk.
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

🛑🛑🛑According to reports on social media the shelling sounds in Luhans’k are launches towards near by , #Ukraine controlled, Schastya
#Putin #Russia

‼️#Putin regime enforcer Lavrov alluding to what may happen next : “No one can state that post 2014 #Ukraine is representative of all the people that live there”

‼️ The treaties that the #Putin regime signed , recognizing the their terrorists control over parts of Lunas’k and Donets’k regions have a clause in which its said that the regime will “immediately provide military aid and set up military infrastructure” there
#Ukraine #Russia

🛑🛑🛑 Ukraine Defense Minister Olexiy Reznikov in a statement to the #Ukraine’ian army and the Ukrainian people, says that the enemy, the #Putin regime finally unmasked itself, says that hard times are ahead, will include loss and fear, but no need to panic.

🛑🛑🛑 Reports on social media in the last hour of shelling sounds that were heard in Starohnativka , Novolaspa , Hranitne, Nova Mar’eva , Bila Kam’yanka, Novotroitske, Dokuchaevs’k, Vodyanne, Kominternovo, Pischevik
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

‼️@ZelenskyyUa says that he “considers” completely cutting ties with the Putin regime .
Says that he assesses that there will be no war nor any additional large scale escalation with the regime, but if it’ll happen - martial law will be enacted.
#Ukraine #Russia #Putin

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