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Feb 24, 2022, 10 tweets

#Ukraine emergency ministry :
- battle ongoing with the #Putin regime forces in Kopani, Ivano Frankivs’k region
- Putin regime military helicopters are shelling Skadovs’k in the Kherson region

Sorry , autocorrected to Ivanovo in Kherson region *

🛑🛑🛑Updated map of #Putin regime strikes all over #Ukraine

Ukrainian army eliminate 6th #Putin regimes fighter jet near Kramators’k
#Ukraine #Russia

🛑🛑🛑 “Traktorny Zavod” subway station in Kharkiv
#Russia #Putin #Ukraine

Moment of the #Putin regime stirke on a civilian street in Uman’, Cherkassy region
#Ukraine #Russia

🛑🛑🛑#Putin regime rocket fell short in a home in Mayskoe village in Belgorod region , near the border with #Ukraine

The city of Uman’ in Cherkassy region (where Rebbe Nachman grave is located) is being evacuated after #Putin regime strike on the city
#Ukraine #Russia

‼️He also added that the main objective of the #Putin regime is to create the illusion of complete control of #Ukraine through propaganda and strategically located small groups of their forces , hoping that it will cause Ukrainian authorities to capitulate

🛑🛑🛑 #Ukraine border forces say that the #Putin regime military forces are assaulting the Zmiiny Island in the Black Sea

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