Jussi Pekka Profile picture
Here mainly for Ukraine 🇺🇦, against Putin, Trump and their war on truth, climate and democracy. Husband, father, private Investor 🇫🇮 #NAFO @Alias

Feb 25, 2022, 13 tweets

Russia 🇷🇺 is a beautiful country. I have many dear Russian friends.

What Russian invasion army under Putin’s orders is doing in Ukraine is condemned by all of the International community.


Russia 🇷🇺 could be a prosperous nation if only the country was not run by Putin’s Silovik kleptocrats.

The only way for Russian youth to succeed in the future is to over-throw criminal Putin and choose #peace in Ukraine 🇺🇦. Stand up to Putin insanity!

Putin’s unjustified, criminal invasion is turning Russia 🇷🇺 into a pariah state.

The phase of invasion war can be over in days or weeks, but the World will not forget in a generation. Ukrainian 🇺🇦 people will never forget Putin’s Holodomor.

Nobody is threatening Russia 🇷🇺 from outside.

Corrupt Putin started war against Ukraine 🇺🇦 to hide that the standard of living in Russian has declined for eight years since Crimea and a million Russians have died of Covid.


Putin’s inner circle of Siloviks are estimated to have stolen 1/3 of Russian National Wealth (Applebaum 2014), also indicated by “Pandora papers”.

Navalny has been extreamely courageous in risking his life by exposing Putin’s crimes. #Respect @navalny

Democracy does not exist in Russia. There's no real opposition which was shown by the Security council “play” and Duma voting unanimously 400/400 on starting an invasion war against Ukraine 🇺🇦.

Putin has murdered his opponents home and abroad. #Nemtsov

The most important safeguard of democracy, free and critical press has vanished from Russia.

The common people in Russia 🇷🇺 go for carefully planned Sovjet-style state propaganda that for months has build up a false story of “genoside” in Eastern Ukraina.

Putin falsely claimed that Ukraine's Jewish-President led ”Nazi-forces” are using children, wives & elderly as a "human shield” - while Russia's genocidal monster is bombing civilians in Kiev.
#SlaviUkraini #PutinIsaWarCriminal

Message to Russians 🇷🇺 in Russian from the Chairman of the Finnish 🇫🇮 Parlament’s Foreign Affairs Committee @Halla_aho

(You can add English text @ settings)

Pls share with your Russian friends!

The Russian 🇷🇺 Duma need to start discussing what is their ”Exit Plan”.

The brave Ukrainians 🇺🇦 are NEVER surrendering under Russian reign.

The EU 🇪🇺 and the US 🇺🇸 are NOT taking off sanctions for as long as Russia 🇷🇺 Ukraine.

Putin criminal invasion has NO upside!

The #Ukraine Intel. released classified Feb 26 order by the deputy Russian 🇷🇺defense minister A. Kryvoruchko in which he ordered to burry dead Russian soldiers in mass graves or burn their bodies.

Putin’s real ”genocide” is happening to Russian soldiers.

@KremlinRussia_E criminal Putin plays a role of a devouted Orthodox Christian but in reality Putin hires Syrians and Chechens Muslim to kill #Orthodox Ukrainians.


Video: Putin's Chechen assassins arrive to take part in the Mariupol massacre to kill #Orthodox Ukrainians shouting "Allahu Akbar".
#NeverForget #Mariupol

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