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I'm a health journalist at the Montreal Gazette. You can also find me on Mastodon at https://t.co/bN8cuUa6ID and Telegram at https://t.co/FQuHM9YNSZ. Here's my bio: ↓

Feb 28, 2022, 11 tweets

1) Hong Kong has resorted to erecting makeshift modular hospitals from China and building #COVID isolation facilities amid an unprecedented spike in cases, hospitalizations and deaths. All this is being driven by BA.2., the stealth sub-variant of the #Omicron coronavirus.

2) Hong Kong declared on Monday more than 26,000 #COVID infections from the day before, the highest than at any other point in the #pandemic. Hong Kong’s health chief confirmed that authorities will not rule out locking down the entire city of 7.4 million to conduct mass testing.

3) Until #Omicron and BA.2 hit Hong Kong, the special administrative region had handled the #pandemic relatively well by using a #ZeroCOVID approach. However, less than 40% of Hong Kong’s octogenarians have been vaccinated with even a first dose, let alone a booster.

4) At the same time, scientists tracking #COVID variants of concern worldwide have determined that 100% of Hong Kong’s coronavirus samples are screening positive for BA.2, which is at least 30% more contagious than the already super transmissible #Omicron variant of concern.

5) Although Japanese scientists have suggested BA.2 may be more severe than #Omicron, most studies have determined that is not the case. The Hong Kong hospitalizations will no doubt add to the growing body of knowledge surrounding BA.2.

6) For now, Hong Kong authorities have decided to shorten hospital stays for #COVID19 patients to prevent the health system from being overwhelmed. The South China Morning Post has estimated 60,000 people are waiting to be admitted to either isolation or health-care facilities.

7) In the meantime, Hong Kong’s #COVID death rate has already far surpassed those of Japan and South Korea, which are also in the grip of an Omicron and BA.2-driven wave of infections and hospitalizations. See the chart below by Our World in Data.

8) Hong Kong’s #COVID19 mortality rate has also exceeded those of the United States and Canada. The Hong Kong deaths are most likely occurring among the elderly, many of whom have not been adequately vaccinated. Please review the chart below.

9) The tragedy unfolding in Hong Kong underscores the importance not only of maintaining public health protections (which Canadian provinces are now proceeding to lift) but the necessity to vaccinate against the #coronavirus. Please review the chart by Our World in Data below.

10) Unlike Hong Kong, BA.2 has not become predominant in Canada, but prevalence is rising. The one protection Canadians at this point seem to have over Hong Kong residents is much higher vaccination rates. But for those who haven't been boosted, immunity is waning. End of thread.

11) ADDENDUM: Hong Kong's three public mortuaries have reached 90% capacity amid the #COVID19 surge in deaths. Some bodies are now being stored temporarily in emergency rooms, the South China Morning Post is reporting. scmp.com/news/hong-kong…

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