Tiago Alexandrino Profile picture
Human being, love is the fing ✦ Sr. Product Designer at @WhopIO, previously @Luni_app and @sketch.

Mar 7, 2022, 8 tweets

Learn how to create a ɴᴇᴏɴ ɢʟᴀꜱꜱ effect using @sketch

How far can we take this tweet? 👀 Let's retweet and see how it goes 🚀

#MadeWithSketch #glass #NeonArt #effect #icon #design #designtwitter #uidesign #tutorial #Tips

@sketch Create a 200x200 rectangle and give it a corner radius of 65.

@sketch Remove the fill and apply a background blur

@sketch Let’s add the first three inner shadows

@sketch Now, let’s add three more inner shadows

@sketch Add a subtle shadow to create some depth

@sketch Add a silhouette, link here: unsplash.com/photos/dLij9K4…

@sketch Play with it!

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