Abraar Karan Profile picture
infectious disease doctor, epidemiologist, researcher @stanford

Mar 13, 2022, 11 tweets

1/ Over time, the effects of #covid19 on heart, brain, lungs, vascular system, sensory system, kidneys & more will become better understood

Until then, any reassurance that massive levels of infection are ‘ok’ for society is a gamble—a gamble with unknown long-term costs.

2/ Recent work highlighting effects of #SARSCoV2 on brain structure

3/ Risk of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes sig higher even after mild cases of #covid19


4/ effects on vascular system, including erectile dysfunction (would suspect this alone would promote more vaccination & mask use in men…) #covid19 #LongCovid


5/ Lung disease perhaps one of the better characterized problems post-infection — many w #LongCovid have ongoing shortness of breath or decreased lung capacity


6/ Effects on kidneys was clear early on even from first cases we were seeing in 2020– long term effects outlined here:


7/ Effects on ability to smell (& taste)— personally know people in whom symptoms were persistent for weeks - months


8/ Increased risk of clot formation — also well known, secondary to inflammation


9/ For some, even potential for long term effects is not enough to convince them that we need safer buildings, cleaner air, better masks, more equitable vaccine distribution, more tests.

Many have instead used this time of lower incidence to mock & make mitigation seem futile

10/ But regardless of anyone’s opinion now, if we are wrong— if the long term inflammatory effects of this virus are worse than we are recognizing short term—no one will be held accountable (certainly not those who are reassuring you that infections aren’t a problem any more)

11/ This isn’t about masks or restriction or politics. Ask any infectious disease doctor— we regularly are consulted on cases Post-Covid with ongoing inflammatory processes. Some are mild, some are moderate, some are severe. All are new to us— we are only a couple years in.

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