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„You can ignore the tsunami, but the tsunami will not ignore you“ - Youtube:

Mar 17, 2022, 14 tweets

GM folks, patience is key. Even if we lift up heading 42k again or even 44k, that's the local top imo. Afterwards down again. 🤷‍♂️


What Is a Bull Call Spread?
A bull call spread is an options strategy used when a trader is betting that a stock will have a limited increase in its price.…

What Is a Short Straddle?
A short straddle profits from an underlying lack of volatility in the asset's price.
They are generally used by advanced traders to bide time.…

What Is a Short Strangle?
A short strangle profits when the price of the underlying stock trades in a narrow range between the breakeven points. The ideal forecast, therefore, is “neutral or sideways.” In the language of options, this is known as “low volatility.”

Wrong screenshot related to options. Sorry!

Gamma also looking like dump more than pump. 😬🙄

#FTX very active today. Sent $52.7m USDT to #Binance.……

Also here another $50m USDT from #FTX to #Binance……

Scam pump coming?🙄

Those stablecoins arriving on derivative exchanges it seems. So, both ways possible here. Could be bullish or bearish. 😬

🚨🚨 Almost $5 billions in one option trade detected!
My bro @GeorgeWegwitz explains here in an easy way what short call buttlerfly strategy means.

Expiry 1APR22. Something huge will happen soon!


@GeorgeWegwitz #BTC to derivative exchanges rising too. Volatility folks... we can make big move up and big move down afterwards or the opposite. We will see.

FTX shifted its upper wall to 45k and we still have a mid volume wall at 43.7k.

@GeorgeWegwitz Another huge option trade. Volume almost $1.5 billions! Everything just calls. 34k and 42k 🧐 Looks like insider trading happening here. Some FOMO news coming?

@GeorgeWegwitz @GeorgeWegwitz custom strategy. I'm really lost here. GEX rising more and more. 🤷‍♂️😂

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