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Mar 18, 2022, 18 tweets

Bloody new attacks on civilians fuels accusations that Russia is committing war crimes in Ukraine.

United States warns it will make China pay for any support given to Moscow's invasion

Ukraine's cultural heritage sites at risk.

#AFPGraphics map of Ukraine locating its six sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list

'Kamikaze drones'

#AFPGraphics factfile on the US Switchblades or "kamikaze drones," to be sent by US to Ukraine

#BREAKING Russian forces strike Lviv airport area in west Ukraine: mayor

#UPDATE Russian forces have struck an area around Lviv's airport in Ukraine, Mayor Andriy Sadovyi says.

Sadovyi could not give a precise address but says "it's definitely not an airport", as grey smoke streams across the sky and ambulances and police vehicles race to the scene

VIDEO: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visits patients at a hospital in Vorzel in the Kyiv region that came under fire during its evacuation.

At the hospital, Zelensky spoke with injured Kyiv residents and the driver of US journalist Brent Renaud who was killed in Irpin

#BREAKING Fighting in Mariupol city centre: Russian defence ministry

VIDEO: Odessa transforms into a fortress in preparation for Russian attack.

The city known as "the pearl of the Black Sea" is still at peace but ready for war -- oscillating between anxious expectation of a Russian attack and the redolence of early spring

As the conflict in #Ukraine rages, residents of a region in northern #Poland that will house a US missile facility worry they could become Russian targets in case of a wider conflict #Redzikowo

#BREAKING More than 2 million Ukraine refugees in Poland: border guards

#BREAKING Putin accuses Ukraine of stalling talks, says Moscow ready to search for 'solutions': Kremlin after Putin call with Germany's Scholz

#BREAKING Norway boosts military spending by over 300 million euros: minister

#BREAKING Top sports court CAS upholds FIFA ban on Russia taking part in playoffs for 2022 World Cup finals #AFPSports

#BREAKING Bulgaria expels 10 Russian diplomats: official

#UPDATE The International Monetary Fund, World Bank and other top global lenders on Friday warned of "extensive" economic fallout from the #Ukraine war and expressed their horror at the "devastating human catastrophe" in the country

#BREAKING Baltic countries expel 10 Russian diplomats: official

#UPDATE Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania on Friday announced the expulsion of 10 Russian diplomats over the invasion of #Ukraine, prompting Moscow to say it would respond in kind

📷 File pic shows Latvia's Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics

#UPDATE Ukraine on Friday said "hundreds" of civilians were trapped in the wreckage of a theatre bombed by Russia, as the United States demanded China get tough with its "war criminal" allies in the Kremlin

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