Marc Owen Jones Profile picture
Asc Prof @Nuqatar | Author: Digital Authoritarianism in the Middle East, Pol. Repression in Bahrain | PhD @durham_uni | Aff. @dawnmenaorg @ME_Council @rucsrr

Mar 21, 2022, 7 tweets

🧵1/ Disinformation alert. A bunch of anonymous accounts are sharing a video re-upping the crisis conspiracy about the formerly pregnant woman Marianna Podgurskaya, who was filmed escaping a bombed maternity hospital in #Mariupol. Many are using copypasta tweets that appear to

2/ originate in the telegram channel 'intel slava z'. What's strange is that despite the anglified name of some of these accounts such as 'Teresa McCaffrey' @mccafferz72 none have bothered correcting 'women' to 'woman', even though some have added hashtags or emojis.

3/ I counted around 24 posting identical content. They falsely claim that Podgurskaya 'apparently died'. Podgurskaya did not apparently die, although the Russian Embassy claimed she was a crisis actor faking injuries. Another pregnant woman and baby were killed though

4/ Again, the narrative here is trying to re-ignite the crisis actor theory, suggesting that there was only ever one woman, played by 'Marianna'. I would suggest Twitter nip this in the bud. #ukraine #disinformation

5/ I guess no surprises that a bunch are those weird 'MAGA' anonymous American right-wing Pepe meme accounts. Who else loves to support Russian propaganda... #disinformation #Ukraine

6/ Ok Anna Taylor Sassy American, thanks for your lucid tweets on pro-Russian psyops and anti-Fauci conspiracies. Yes of course, we must punish the crisis actors. Forget all the dead civilians, let's prioritise your thing!

7/ Why does this account adlib some phrases but still keep "women" and capitalise "Airstrikes". Normal

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