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Mar 23, 2022, 10 tweets

#Thread 23 Mar'03; #NadimargMassacre Nearly 2 decades have passed by, but the horrific memories of the massacre of 24 Kashmiri Hindus still haunts the community.

A rattled media section is claiming that this genocide was wrongly showed in #TheKashmirFiles; but here is truth 1/n

Till 2003, More than 3 Lakhs of Kashmiri Hindus were forcibly exiled from Kashmir; Very small numbers remained within the Valley.

A small village #Nadimarg in Pulwama,was such place where 54 Kashmiri Hindus used to live. Only 7km away from CM Mufti Md Sayeed's native village 2/n

7 LeT terrorists in combat dresses barged into the village late night at 10.30pm, families were sleeping.

2 terrorists started snatching all valuable items, jewelry or money whatever they could. While others dragged people out of their homes, lined them under a Chinar tree. 3/n

12 men, 11 women & 2 small children, Including 70 Yrs old woman to a 2 Yrs old infant; Total 25 Kashmiri Hindus were lined up.

Terrorists indiscriminately fired upon them and massacred 24. Then they disfigured the bodies and took away the ornaments from the dead women.4/n

The victims ranged from 65 Yrs old disabled Lassa Koul, who had lost a leg in a long-ago road accident and hobbled out with wooden crutches, to a 2 yrs old boy named Manu.

Only ONE Chuni Lal Raina survived the carnage. who lives in the Purkhoo camp now. #NadimargMassacre


IPS Kuldeep Khoda, who headed the Intelligence wing of the J&K Police at that time, accepted that without local help such massacre was not possible.

"A terrorist cannot travel and survive without the help of locals."

#NadimargMassacre 6/n

#TheInvestigation 2 weeks later the main architect of the massacre, Lashkar-e-Taiba district commander-cum-finance chief for Anantnag #ZiaMustafa alias Arbaz alias Abdullah Umar was #arrested following a tip off.

He was from Rawalkot, POJK, trained in Pakistan. 7/n

#Justice 18 Yrs later, last year in October, Zia Mustafa was taken to Bhata Durian in Poonch for identification of terrorist hideout during the ongoing operation.

Here he was killed, when terrorists again opened fire on the security forces, Mustafa was shot by his own kind. 8/n

Rest of the culprits are still "unknown".

After this massacre remaining Kashmiri Hindus also left the village for ever.

Today their homes are still empty, have been waiting for the return for years, their walls collapsed, their belongings long stolen. #NadimargMassacre


This carnage was widely reported all over the world. U.S., Britain, European countries, all condemned the #NadimargMasscare

Only Certain section of Indian media denied and tried to dilute the horror, and still trying. This time through #TheKashmirFiles. Credit: AP 10/10

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