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Mar 24th 2023
As you read this, the history comes in front of your eyes.
On the evening of March 23, 2003, gunmen wearing military-style clothing showed up in the remote Nadimarg village of Shopian and asked the Kashmiri Pandits there to assemble outside.
The gunmen lined up the Pandits and then opened fire, killing 24 Pandits including several women and two infants.

Before, the massacre, the hijadis first went to the police picket, set up to safeguard Pandits of the village. Presently, 9 policemen had been posted here, while 20
constables had been withdrawn before the assembly elections. These nine cops were supposed to look after the protection of 55 families in a radius of 15-20 km

At the time of the attack only 5 cops were present. These poorly motivated policemen meekly surrendered their weapons,
Read 17 tweets
Mar 23rd 2022
#Thread 23 Mar'03; #NadimargMassacre Nearly 2 decades have passed by, but the horrific memories of the massacre of 24 Kashmiri Hindus still haunts the community.

A rattled media section is claiming that this genocide was wrongly showed in #TheKashmirFiles; but here is truth 1/n Image
Till 2003, More than 3 Lakhs of Kashmiri Hindus were forcibly exiled from Kashmir; Very small numbers remained within the Valley.

A small village #Nadimarg in Pulwama,was such place where 54 Kashmiri Hindus used to live. Only 7km away from CM Mufti Md Sayeed's native village 2/n Image
7 LeT terrorists in combat dresses barged into the village late night at 10.30pm, families were sleeping.

2 terrorists started snatching all valuable items, jewelry or money whatever they could. While others dragged people out of their homes, lined them under a Chinar tree. 3/n Image
Read 10 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
Read 934 tweets

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