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Mar 23rd 2022
#Thread 23 Mar'03; #NadimargMassacre Nearly 2 decades have passed by, but the horrific memories of the massacre of 24 Kashmiri Hindus still haunts the community.

A rattled media section is claiming that this genocide was wrongly showed in #TheKashmirFiles; but here is truth 1/n Image
Till 2003, More than 3 Lakhs of Kashmiri Hindus were forcibly exiled from Kashmir; Very small numbers remained within the Valley.

A small village #Nadimarg in Pulwama,was such place where 54 Kashmiri Hindus used to live. Only 7km away from CM Mufti Md Sayeed's native village 2/n Image
7 LeT terrorists in combat dresses barged into the village late night at 10.30pm, families were sleeping.

2 terrorists started snatching all valuable items, jewelry or money whatever they could. While others dragged people out of their homes, lined them under a Chinar tree. 3/n Image
Read 10 tweets
Jan 19th 2022
"19 Jan, 1990 - Kashmiri Pandit Exodus Day"

More than 0.5 million Hindus gone into permanent exile on/after this day and are still waiting for the justice since last 32 years.

A #thread to present glimpse of their agony in the hands of Islamic jihad.

#KashmirGenocide1990 Image
Muslims relayed war cries whole night on 19 Jan, 1990 on loudspeakers from the mosques all over Kashmir valley.

It was enough hint to the minority Hindu community that something sinister was going to happen.

Deafening sound of "Naar-e-taqbeer...", was played everywhere.
#19Jan ImageImage
These slogans made their impact:

"Azadi-eiy zalimon, eiy kafiron, Kashmir hamara chor do" - o tyrants, o infidels, leave our Kashmir.

"Assi gacchi panu'nuy Pakistan, batav rostuy, batenein saan" - we want to turn Kashmir into Pakistan, without Pandit men, but with their women. Image
Read 57 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
Read 934 tweets

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