Aidos Abdramanov🇰🇿🇺🇦🇸🇩 Profile picture
Волонтёр правозащитного движения «Femina Virtute» #Kazakhstan 🇰🇿

Mar 23, 2022, 8 tweets

19 March 2022

"Why does the government view all those young people, who went on the peaceful January protests to speak up about their opinions and thoughts, as enemies? Why are they all being sent to jail?


Why haven't those, who tortured our sons with particular cruelty, been arrested yet?"

With these words Kasen #TOGZHAL begins sharing the story of his son Kenshilik #TOGZHAL who is being held in a pre-trial detention facility.


Kenshilik is being prosecuted under Article 272 Part 2 of the Criminal Code of RK ("Participation in mass disorders).

Kenshilik has been held in the pre-trial detention facility for 2 months now, and recently, the court has extended the term of his arrest for 2 more months.

Kenshilik #TOGZHAL was arrested on 8 January 2022. He was beaten right in the prisoner transportation vehicle while being transported. He told his father that he had been tortured with a stun gun and beaten with a baseball bat on the head.


He had been beaten on the head so hard that it had swollen to twice the size of its normal size. Kenshilik #TOGZHAL had been tortured in the Dynamo sports hall.

His father Kasen #TOGZHAL appeals to the people of Kazakhstan:⤵️


"I'm asking for justice for our young people who went through such atrocious torture. I'm asking not only for my own son but also for all those parents who are suffering now.


This was written to file an indictment against him in court and have his arrest extended.


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