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Mar 24, 2022, 50 tweets

VIDEO: 'Ukraine matters.'

Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky calls on the world to "show your standing", urging people to "come from your offices, your homes, your schools and universities" to "say that people matter. Freedom matters. Peace matters. Ukraine matters"

Allowing Russian President Vladimir Putin to attend this year's G20 summit would be "a step too far", Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison says.

Putin has already been invited and he intends to be there, Russia's ambassador to Indonesia says

War in Ukraine: Latest developments.

- Zelensky calls for global protests
- Russia expels US diplomats
- More sanctions as Biden arrives in Europe
- More German arms aid

Ukraine's Zelensky calls for worldwide protests against Russia's war.

A month ago Russian tanks rolled over the border, igniting a conflict that has killed untold thousands of civilians and soldiers. Over 10 million Ukrainians have fled their homes

#BREAKING NATO looking to 'reset' eastern defences amid war in Ukraine: Stoltenberg says, adding Putin made 'big mistake' invading Ukraine

#UPDATE NATO chief Stoltenberg accuses Russia of making a "big mistake" by invading Ukraine, as leaders gather to discuss overhauling alliance's eastern defences.

Stoltenberg says NATO will start with agreeing new deployments to members Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Bulgaria

#BREAKING At least four dead and six wounded from bombardments near Luhansk: regional authorities

VIDEO: NATO looking to 'reset' eastern defences amid Ukraine war: Stoltenberg.

NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg says the alliance is looking to 'reset' eastern defences amid the war in Ukraine, as he arrives at an extraordinary summit in Brussels

#UPDATE At least four people were killed, including two children, from overnight strikes in eastern Ukraine, the governor of the Lugansk region said

📸 Firefighters put out a fire at a warehouse in Severodonetsk, Luhansk region, that was destroyed by Russian shelling on March 21

#BREAKING Over half of Ukraine's children displaced after month of war: UN

#UPDATE More than half of all children in Ukraine have been displaced from their homes since Russia launched its full-scale invasion on February 24, the United Nations said Thursday

📸 A man holds a child as he flees the Ukrainian city of Irpin on March 7

#BREAKING UK sanctions 59 more Russian firms, individuals

Map of #Ukraine️ locating areas where major explosions, strikes and fighting have been reported and under Russian control.
Updated as of March 24, 0800 GMT
#AFPgraphics @AFP

#UPDATE NATO leaders pushed Thursday to raise the cost for Russian President Vladimir Putin over his invasion of #Ukraine️ by bolstering weapons supplies to Kyiv and strengthening the alliance's eastern flank

#BREAKING Ukraine's Zelensky calls for unlimited military support from NATO

#BREAKING Zelensky accuses Russia of using phosphorus bombs in Ukraine

#UPDATE A month on since Russia launched its shock invasion, #Ukraine's leader pleaded for global street protests and for US-led allies meeting in Brussels to dramatically raise their arms supplies

#UPDATE Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has urged NATO to provide Kyiv with unrestricted military aid, one month into Russia's invasion of #Ukraine️

#UPDATE Britain has slapped sanctions on 59 more Russian individuals and entities, as well as six Belarusian enterprises over Moscow's invasion of Ukraine, targeting a shadowy mercenary firm and the world's largest diamond producer

#BREAKING US, allies discuss anti-ship missiles for Ukraine: US official

#BREAKING ICRC chief, Russia discuss need to protect Ukraine civilians

#BREAKING NATO wants China to meet 'responsibilities' over Ukraine war

#UPDATE NATO leaders meeting in Brussels want China to oppose Russia's invasion of #Ukraine and work for a peaceful end to the conflict, a senior US official said Thursday

#UPDATE The United States and its NATO allies are discussing sending anti-ship missiles to Ukraine, a US official said, after Russian vessels attacked Kyiv's Black Sea ports

📸 Ukraine says it has struck a Russian naval transport vessel docked in the Azov Sea near Mariupol

#UPDATE The president of the International Committee of the Red Cross on Thursday said he and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had discussed the need to protect civilians during Moscow's operations in #Ukraine

#UPDATE What are 'tactical' nuclear weapons, and would Putin use them?
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has raised the spectre of something considered almost unthinkable until recently: the use of a small nuclear weapon during a conflict in Europe

#UPDATE A month since Russia launched its shock invasion, Ukraine's leader pleaded Thursday for NATO to "save" his shattered country with unrestricted military aid, so its armed forces could transform their dogged defence into attack

#BREAKING NATO chief Stoltenberg to stay in office extra year amid Ukraine war

#UPDATE NATO leaders have extended the mandate of alliance chief Jens Stoltenberg for an extra year as the West grapples with Russia's war on #Ukraine

#BREAKING US to take in up to 100,000 Ukraine war refugees: White House

#BREAKING G7 calls for international organisations to review ties with Russia: US official

#UPDATE The US is to accept up to 100,000 refugees fleeing Russia's invasion of #Ukraine and provide an extra $1 billion in humanitarian aid to those impacted by the war, the White House says

📸 People fleeing the war in Ukraine arrive by ferry in Romania

#UPDATE Russian strikes on the eastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv killed at least six civilians and wounded more than a dozen, the regional governor said Thursday, one month into Russia's invasion

📸 A school destroyed by a Russian air strike in Kharkiv

#BREAKING G7 seeks to halt Russian gold transactions and calls for international organisations to review ties with Russia

VIDEO: Hundreds of Ukrainian refugees are arriving in the village of Medyka on the border between Ukraine and Poland. They are being cared for by a large number of volunteers who have come to provide them with aid and food

#UPDATE NATO is stepping up chemical and nuclear defences for it forces in eastern Europe in the face of fears over Russia's war on Ukraine, alliance head Jens Stoltenberg says

📸 A French soldier wearing a protective suit to guard against chemical or biological weapons

#UPDATE Dozens of people fled a surge in fighting on Thursday in a flashpoint area where Ukraine said it had pushed back Russian forces around Kyiv, AFP journalists reported

VIDEO: In his video address to the NATO summit, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Russia of using phosphorus bombs in Ukraine

VIDEO: Refugees from #Ukraine arrive at Polish border town of Medyka as the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its fifth week.
Almost 3.7 million people have fled Ukraine since the conflict began, according to the UN's refugee agency

What is the economic fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
In a month of conflict in Ukraine, global oil prices have soared, foreign companies have exited Russia and Moscow faces the spectre of default.

#UPDATE Maps of Kyiv showing areas controlled by Russian forces and counteroffensive by Ukrainian forces, as of March 16 and 23, according to the Institute for the Study of War

#BREAKING Zelensky says 'real' threat Russia will use chemical weapons in Ukraine

#BREAKING UN General Assembly calls for 'immediate' end to war in Ukraine

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will travel to Israel, the West Bank, Morocco and Algeria over March 26-30 to discuss the Ukraine war, Israeli-Palestinian relations and Iran, the State Department announced Thursday

#UPDATE The United States and allies upped the pressure on Russia over its invasion of #Ukraine at summits in Brussels Thursday, warning Moscow its costs will keep rising the longer the war continues

#UPDATE Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Thursday there is a "real" threat that Moscow will use chemical weapons in Ukraine, accusing Russia of having already used phosphorus bombs against civilians in the country

#BREAKING G7 says ready to apply 'additional sanctions as required' against Russia, will 'spare no efforts' to hold Putin, 'supporters' accountable

#BREAKING NATO will 'respond' if Russia uses chemical weapons in Ukraine: Biden

#UPDATE The UN General Assembly on Thursday adopted by an overwhelming majority a new non-binding resolution that demands an "immediate" halt to Russia's war in Ukraine

#UPDATE President Volodymyr Zelensky pressed a NATO summit Thursday to flood weapons into #Ukraine and Western allies responded with new sanctions against Russia, promises of military aid and discussion of expelling Moscow from the international G20 body

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