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Mar 24, 2022, 8 tweets

⚡️ The port of #Berdyansk is on fire

Presumably, the #Russian occupiers blew up fuel tanks.

We are told that #Russian ships have been hit in the port of #Berdyansk. We are waiting for official confirmation or denial.

The moment of the explosion in the port of #Berdyansk.

It is reported that one #Russian ship sank in occupied #Berdyansk, and two others are smoking heavily and trying to escape. A warehouse with ammunition and fuel was destroyed.

⚡️The #Ukrainian Navy reports that a large landing ship of the #Russian Black Sea Fleet was destroyed in the port of #Berdyansk.

More footage of the #Russian war ships in #Berdyansk.

Deputy Defense Minister of #Ukraine Anna Malyar said that the destroyed warship in #Berdyansk could carry up to 20 tanks, 45 armored personnel carriers and 400 paratroopers.

Three days ago, #Russian media celebrated the arrival of the warship in #Berdyansk.

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