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'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #FuckMusk #FuckTrump #FuckReformUK Occasionally on

Apr 10, 2022, 9 tweets


The truth about #Grenfell is slowly being revealed.

Imho, it's now crystal clear that all the key decisions flowed from free-market fundamentalists' desire to always push for more #deregulation, regardless of the consequences, in order to maximise profit.

#Regulation - or "red tape" - exists to keep society safe & civilised, for example by conserving biodiversity, preventing quack remedies, & ensuring air, food, water, products & working & living conditions are safe, thus protecting consumers, workers, the environment & children.

The Tories, the libertarian Right & free-market think tanks talk a lot about removing 'red tape', & deregulation 'removing barriers to trade'.

What this means in reality is letting corporations & unethical individuals get away with exploitation, pollution, & sometimes, murder.

A 2011 Govt initiative aimed to cut down the 21,000 statutory rules & regulations. The permanent secretary of the Govt Dept in charge of fire safety, said the strong focus on cutting red tape meant it was “very difficult to get anything changed”.

Regulation & "red tape" keeps us safe from those who would cut corners: 'cutting red-tape' is a euphemism for getting rid of worker, consumer & environmental protections, so the already wealthy can ruthlessly exploit workers, consumers & the environment.

Sadly, democracy can no longer compete with the unimaginable wealth, power & influence of a global cabal of free-market fundamentalists, who have built a network of influence taking in media & Govts across the world which make even Thatcher look left-wing.

And even now, the grotesque ghouls in the right-wing press, on GB "News", & in parliament - supported by a global network of billionaire-funded libertarian-right think tanks - STILL push for ever more deregulation.

They won't stop until the planet can no longer support life.

The @Conservatives & the US Right want to take the UK & USA back to a time before working people had become organised & demanded improvements in working & living conditions, along with increasing the quality of goods & services - the Right see this as "barriers to trade & profit"

It sometimes feels like an impossible task to reign in elite power, but the ONLY reason the Right win elections is because of the support of VERY rich individuals, corporations, press barons, think tanks & investors, who fund & push the "free market" agenda.

Get active. #Resist.

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