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Apr 18, 2022, 11 tweets

Do you know this Proud Boy?

We need your help identifying this South Florida Jan 6 insurrectionary and Proud Boy likely living in Broward County who fought with police and was filmed with a knife on Capitol grounds.

Help us find #MAGAMarlin. 🐟

“Get the knife! Get the knife!” 🎥

Body cam footage from Jan 6 captures #ProudBoy #MAGAMarlin having his knife confiscated by Capitol police during the rioting (yet they let him walk away). The audio includes him speaking, which may help in confirming his identity. #POYB #FAFO

In this shot of #MAGAMarlin after the rioting we can clearly see the empty knife holster on his belt.

Miami Proud Boy Gabriel Garcia #PBGarcia was revealed by his own text messages to have also brought a knife to the Capitol on Jan 6 “for offense.” ⚔️

We know that #MAGAMarlin is a Proud Boy because we’ve seen him at local events wearing their hat and shirts.

1st photo is a Floridians First flag wave event in Fort Lauderdale. 2nd is a Miami Torch of Friendship rally on May 1, 2021 with Tarrio + PB Chris Barcenas #USAPB.

More photos of #MAGAMarlin at a flag waving rally organized by Floridians First — a fake “patriot” group that operates as front for the Proud Boys.

Thanks to #SeditionHunter accounts for putting the pieces together.

Floridians First is run by Broward “attorney that rides” Gabe Carrera and failed Miami realtor “Little Chris” Barcenas #USAPB — both undercover Proud Boys who we exposed.

Here’s #MAGAMarlin sitting next to Gabe in one of their event flyers. He would know his name. 👀

#MAGAMarlin also appears in this group picture of the same Floridians First “Patriots Meet Up, Greet Up.”

The group has stopped holding these events because of having all their venues cancel on them … and because we’ve used them to identify local Proud Boys.

Happy hunting! 🍿

Update: Newly synched video, from multiple angles, shows SFL Proud Boy #MAGAMarlin taking a running charge to assault officers during the riot.

This is certain jail time — now all we need is his name. 👀 #FAFO #ProudBoys #POYB #SeditionHunters

Watch #MAGAMarlin’s Superman charge at the cops. He’s in the red hat moving left to right. #AFO #January6th

Another #MAGAMarlin appearance at a “Floridians First” Proud Boy event in April 2021. Wearing his signature fisherman hat in the center is Broward PB Keith Burwell, the dough boy. 🍞

Thanks for the goods Gabe Carrera! 🙏

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