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Victorious, always. CEO. ⚔️ Wharton MBA. "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting." Si vis pacem, para bellum. ⌖

Apr 21, 2022, 14 tweets

🧵 Gonzalo Lira doxxed by Daily Beast "journo" @goraladka

Daily Beast links to so-called journalist (FBI informant) Michael John Cirillo @SarahAshtonLV

Gonzalo presumably disappeared by NATO-backed Azov🇺🇦 Nazis

Connect the dots.


Gonzalo Lira was doxxed by Daily Beast "journo" @goraladka because he committed thoughtcrime and engaged in wrongthink.

"We are seeing, very clearly, the weaponization of media against individuals and effectively the doxing and putting at risk of those individuals."


Daily Beast "journo" Mark Hay @GoraLadka doxxed Gonzalo Lira by creating a hit piece and "gave" it to the Ukrainian government under the guise of "request for comment."

One look at his primary beat and he can "hardly be described as a political heavyweight in journalism..."

Mark Hay @GoraLadka sent Lira a 13-page email prefacing he could send it to his attorneys – a clear indication of a hit piece that would "effectively dox Lira to the authorities in an area that is infested and controlled by the Nazi battalions."

Enter @SarahAshtonLV...

Michael John Cirillo @SarahAshtonLV is known for embedding herself in U.S. far-right sectors. Now embedded with Azov🇺🇦 Nazi forces.

Cirillo celebrated Lira's disappearance and framed him as a "Russian Spy" later calling for Patrick Lancaster to meet the same fate.


Michael John Cirillo @SarahAshtonLV is known for embedding herself in U.S. far-right sectors.

She went undercover inside the Nevada GOP party and the FBI later used her exploits to discredit politicians/activists.

Cirillo is now embedded with Azov🇺🇦 Nazi forces in #Ukraine.

Cirillo @SarahAshtonLV is known for embedding herself in U.S. far-right sectors.

She went undercover in the Nevada GOP and the FBI later used her exploits to discredit politicians/activists.

Cirillo is now embedded with Azov🇺🇦 Nazi forces in #Ukraine.

@SarahAshtonLV, embedded w/ Azov🇺🇦 Nazi forces, is known for embedding herself in U.S. far-right sectors.

"She's someone that has clearly been weaponized throughout her career ... for some time."

Her recent target? Lira's alleged capture by Azov Nazis.

🚨In the wake of Gonzalo Lira's disappearance...

"We can't rule out the fact that there are still sleeping cells even in Donbass🇺🇦, so Patrick Lancaster is still at risk... as are all the journalists that are operating in Ukraine."

"And yet under Zelenskyy's regime, we're seeing the systematic disappearance, torture, execution, assassination of political opposition of activists and of journalists."

#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #FreePabloGonzález #WhereIsGonzaloLira

View the full UK Column News report here. Excellent recap and analysis.…

@SarahAshtonLV is known for embedding herself in U.S. far-right sectors. She went undercover in the Nevada GOP – FBI later used her exploits to discredit politicos/activists.

She shares her experience w/ @TheDailyBeast.

Cirillo is now embedded with Azov🇺🇦 Nazis in #Ukraine.

🧵 Thread.

• Gonzalo Lira
• The Daily Beast's Mark Hay
• Michael John Cirillo (SarahAshtonLV)
• Azov🇺🇦 Kraken🦀 Unit in Kharkov, #Ukraine️
• Scott Ritter, former US Marine Intelligence officer – Analysis…

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