Afghan Witness Profile picture
Collecting, preserving & verifying information on human rights & current events in #Afghanistan. A @Cen4InfoRes project. Press:

Apr 22, 2022, 10 tweets

#Afghanistan has seen a string of attacks this week in Kabul, Mazar-i-Sharif, Kunduz, and Nangarhar.

Attacks in Kabul & Mazar saw #Hazaras targeted.

🧵AW #OSINT verifications so far:

(1/8) On the morning of April 19, a series of explosions targeted educational institutions in Dasht-e-Barchi, #Kabul - an area with a predominantly #Hazara Shia population.

✅AW verified the attack at Abdul Rahim Shahid High School

🗓️ April 19
📍Dasht-e Barchi, Kabul

(2/8) The next day, an explosion occurred at the front of Kandahari market in Kabul, where a Taliban-operated vehicle was targeted.

ISKP claimed the attack.

✅AW verified the incident

📅April 20
🕐Shortly after noon
📍Qua-e Markaz, Kabul

(3/8) On April 21 a large explosion took place at the Sih Dokan mosque in PD3, Mazar-i-Sharif.

'Sih Dokan' is a Shia mosque predominantly frequented by #ShiaHazaras.

ISKP claimed the attack.

✅AW verified the incident

📅April 21
🕐Between 1200-1300

(4/8) Following the attack in #MazariSharif, an explosion was reported in the ‘Sardawar’ neighbourhood in #Kunduz city.

ISKP again claimed the attack.

✅AW verified the incident

📅April 21

(5/8) On the same day, there were reports of further blasts in #Kabul and #Nangarhar.

Both were claimed by ISKP.

AW are working to verify these incidents.

(6/8) More detail of the attacks up to this point, here:…

(7/8)Today, there has been reports of an explosion at ‘Mawlawi Sikandar Khanqah' in the Chinar Sayed Jalal area in Imam Sahib, #Kunduz.

AW investigators are working on verifying the exact targets of the explosion.

✅AW has verified the incident

📅April 22

(8/8) Reports have also emerged that a roadside bomb targeted an alleged Taliban vehicle this evening in #Kabul.

There are no reports of casualties as of yet.

✅AW has verified the incident

📅April 22
🕐between 1500 - 1600
📍Darulaman Road, Kabul

AW will continue to monitor the situation in #Afghanistan, verifying incidents where possible.


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