Xander Steenbrugge Profile picture
AI engineer, digital artist, public speaker, online educator and co-founder of @eden_art_ and https://t.co/BDW8z5h0Fd.

Apr 23, 2022, 7 tweets

I discovered a bug in my own Diffusion + CLIP pipeline and suddenly the samples are unreal.. 🤯
"Just a liquid reality..."
#AIart #notdalle2 #Diffusion #clip

"The magnificent portal of mother Gaia"

"Framing reality"

"Gathering at the great elder sphere"

"Why such a rush? It's all twisting and bending anyway"

"My hair is a living creature"

Caveat: all these pieces are the result of a tremendous amount (months) of code and parameter tuning, careful selection of initialization images, prompt engineering and cherry picking.

#dalle2 is incredible at compositionality and realism, but I haven't seen it do this yet👨‍🎨🧙‍♂️😋

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