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Apr 24, 2022, 8 tweets

Today is #WorldMalariaDay.

#DYK: we can prevent and cure #Malaria?
Learn about the symptoms so you know when to get help from a healthcare professional

#Malaria is transmitted through the bites of Anopheles mosquitoes🦟
In 2020, nearly half of the world's population was at risk of malaria

Early diagnosis & treatment of #malaria reduces disease, prevents deaths and contributes to reducing transmission

Some people are at considerably higher risk of contracting #malaria & developing severe disease:
🦟 infants
🦟 children <5 years of age
🦟 🤰🏾
🦟 patients with HIV/AIDS
🦟 people with low immunity who move into areas with intense malaria transmission

More than two thirds of #malaria deaths occur among children under the age of 5 living in the @WHOAFRO Region

More than 1 million children in #Ghana, #Kenya and #Malawi have now received one or more doses of the world’s first #malaria vaccine, thanks to a pilot programme coordinated by WHO

The #malaria vaccine pilots, first launched by the Government of Malawi in April 2019, have shown that the new vaccine is safe, feasible and effective in reducing deadly and severe malaria

Continued innovation in the research and development of new tools is a must if the world is to achieve the 2030 targets of the WHO #malaria strategy

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