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Canadian First. Focused on promoting accountability, transparency and good governance.

Apr 29, 2022, 19 tweets

#Ableg News 🧵

I told @AB_AgainstUCP it’d be a “quiet” week for the @UCPCaucus

I was wrong: it’s AWFUL:

🥊 UCP MLA Nixon Gets Away With Bullying (Story #1)

😨 Another UCP MLA Calls Kenney Out! (#5)

🏥 4 Major Health Care Crisis’s! (#7-10)

Here’s 16 bad news UCP stories!

#Ableg News 🧵

1. UCP MLA Jason Nixon will not be sanctioned for comments he made during an angry exchange that included him swearing at Speaker Nathan Cooper in the leg.

It is noted Nixon didn’t ACTUALLY apologize…rather an “I’m sorry” letter was read by another UCP MLA.

#Ableg News 🧵

2. UCP MLA Fir announced private schools, which receive 70% of funding from taxpayers, won’t need report how much they charge for tuition under a new bill. 

Critics suggest the UCP is hiding how much wealthy private schools make in tuition payments from parents

#Ableg News 🧵


3. Alberta Education Minister Adriana LaGrange says private schools in Alberta WILL still have to report private sources of revenue to the province, despite what her government staff and UCP MLA Fir said hours earlier!

#Anleg News 🧵

4. A #YUC judge ruled that some details of confidential discussions between Dr. Hinshaw and the UCP cabinet regarding pandemic-related restrictions and recommendations must be made public. 

Hinshaw has previously said she’s unable to disclose this info!

#Ableg News 🧵


5. A UCP caucus member is saying Kenney is “reaping what he has sown through personal attacks, dividing people and intimidating opponents. negativity developed through a culture of fear that destroys unity”.

Kenney did not reply to a request for comment.

#Ableg News 🧵

6. Post secondary students are struggling to find any positions as their studies end, asking the UCP to reinstate the cancelled Alberta's Summer Temporary Employment Program (STEP).

Universities attempts to call the UCP “have really fallen on deaf ears,"

#Ableg News 🧵

7. Alberta’s hospitals continue to be strained by the 6th covid wave, with 94 more people hospitalized compared to last week, hospitals in #YEG & #YYC are at full capacity, and 62 new deaths!!

UCP MLA Cooping said “it’s too soon to tell - but it looks promising”

#Ableg News 🧵

8. A photo shared on Twitter captured the scene outside Red Deer Regional Hospital where 14 ambulances were lined up.

AHS attributed this to an increase demand due to a rise in serious COVID-19 cases requiring hospitalization, and major staff absences.

#Ableg News 🧵

9. Since March 2020 - the # of Alberta doctors accepting new patients dropped 51% — from 907 to 446.

Doctors say the UCP’s “support of primary care has eroded, leaving physicians demoralized”, and a key factor driving physicians to leave Alberta.

#Ableg News 🧵

10. 😳 Alberta has lost 188 registered doctors in the last 3 months!!

While UCP Health Minister Copping has “tried to spin” the situation by saying more doctors are coming to the province and that the the UCP plans are working - the evidence shows otherwise!!!

#Ableg News 🧵


11. Bill 204, “The Anti-Racism Act”, tabled by NDP MLA David Shepherd for the collection of race-based data to help identify and eliminate systemic racism in government was voted down by a UCP dominated standing committee this week.

No reason was given.

#Ableg News 🧵

12. The NDP presented amendments to a bill which would get Albertan’s electricity rebates by May 30, 2022.

The UCP voted it down.

When asked - a UCP MLA had no clear answer when natural gas cost relief would actually come. It may still be several months.

#Ableg News 🧵

13. Experts pour cold water on the UCP’s claim Alberta’s ready for forest fire season. Not only have they not hired all staff, many qualified firefighters took jobs elsewhere. and Alberta is short more than 60 positions.

This is in addition to an 8% budget cut

#Anleg News 🧵

14. Athabasca University President said his school won’t change its successful virtual model.

Kenney signalled that he wants to suddenly move the University back to Athabasca, a campaign led by an expansive lobbyist who was a co-chair of his election campaign.

#Ableg News 🧵

15. To avoid a perception of bias, the Law Society of Alberta has hired a BC law firm to act as its counsel for the upcoming hearing of UCP MLA Shandro, who faces 3 unprofessional conduct charges as health minister.

He is now the Justice minister.

#Ableg News 🧵

16. A new report shows Albertans are struggling financially due to rising fuel costs, sky-high utility prices, auto insurance rates and record inflation

In response to Albertans - UCP MLA Towes actually said the best cure “is a better job with a higher wage!


I wanted to give a special shout out for @allisonjade this week!

Allison is an incredible artist, passionate teacher and great voice in Alberta!

Allison is the person who fuelled the idea for this thread - thank you!

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