Katherine Hersch Profile picture
Engineer, economist, historian, and business strategist. I closely follow the war in Ukraine and mainly post about it.

Apr 30, 2022, 8 tweets

There's another significant #fire in #Russia of potentially suspicious origin. It's at the GRES-2 power station in the two of #Ilyinskoye. This is in the #Tomarinsky district of #Sakhalin province, located in Russia's far east, north of Japan. A🧵 with details & updates. 1/

The #fire at the GRES-2 power station on #Sakhalin in #Russia apparently started overnight in the turbine room and then spread to the roof. 2/

The #Sakhalin GRES-2 power station #fire in #Russia is said to have started when one of the stations turbines was being shut down. Based on the reports I've seen thus far, power on Sakhalin has not been disrupted. 3/

The GRES-2 electrical generating station is a 120 MW coal-fired plant. There originally were plans -- since cancelled -- to add another 240 MW of capacity to the station. As mentioned earlier, the plant on #Sakhalin in #Russia caught #fire last night. 4/

The GRES-2 power station in #Russia that caught #fire overnight is located in the southern part of #Sakhalin island, on its western side. 5/

#Russia's #Sakhalin island, where the GRES-2 power station #fire occurred, is strategically important due to its oil and gas reserves. The Sakhalin-2 liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, for example, provides 8-10 percent of Japan's #LNG consumption. 6/

Local news media on #Russia's #Sakhalin island have covered in detail the #fire the GRES-2 power station there. An employee says the fire started after "he heard some kind of pop." Local reports also indicate the fire has been extinguished. 7/

The #Sakhalin power station #fire also has been covered by some of Russia's large news services. Here, for example, is a report from RIA Novosti: 8/

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