Kristin Turner Profile picture
Anti-Abortion • Animal Liberation •🇻🇦• BLM • ACAB • Roller Derby • Tenderloin • she/her #JusticeForTheFive Director or Community Organizing @PAAUNOW

May 3, 2022, 6 tweets


When I touched down in DC today and turned my phone off of airplane mode I was flooded with messages that Roe was done for. A clerk for Justice Sotomayor leaked a draft decision where the majority of justices voted to protect people in the womb.

The Summer of 2022 WILL be the #SummerOfLife. So many emotions have hit me all at once. Excitement, fear, happiness, dread, relief, grief, but most overwhelming a sense of Justice.

So often my friends and I are screwed over by the system. Emprisoned and assaulted for defending these children. And that doesn’t even begin to cover the ways these children are being absolutely brutalized.

We fund pregnancy centers, open our homes to the needy, connect people with resources, and we MUST put our freedom on the line through rescue.

If you’ve ever been scared to be stand up for the unborn, now is the time to conquer that fear. We are already 50+ years late. They need you NOW. They need to be saved from greedy profiteers who will butcher no matter the circumstance or effect on life of the parent or child.

No longer can we allow this disgusting precedent to violently steal away our human siblings.


#RoeVWade #SCOTUS #abortion #prolife

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