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May 9, 2022, 14 tweets

James Prinsep (1799 – 1840) was an English scholar, orientalist and antiquary. He was the founding editor of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal and is best remembered for deciphering the Kharosthi and Brahmi scripts of ancient India. 1

He studied, documented and illustrated many aspects of numismatics, metallurgy, meteorology apart from pursuing his career in India as an assay master at the mint in Benares. He painted many drawings & paintings of Kashi / Varanasi during his 10 years (1820-1830) stay in Kashi. 2

Plan of the Ancient Temple of Vishveshwar.
The dotted line shows the portion of temple occupied by the present Masjid.This plan of Adi Vishweshwar temple of Kashi was drawn by James Prinsep about 200 years ago.Plate 12 from second part of James Prinsep's 'Benares Illustrated'.

About 200 years old drwing of Gyanvapi Mosque of Kashi/ Varanasi was drawn by James Pronsep between 1820 to 1830.Title of picture is given 'Temple of Vishveshwur', Benares (British called Varanasi Benares).Plate 8 from the third part of James Prinsep's 'Benares Illustrated'.

About 200 years old drawing of elevation of present Kashi Vishwanath temple at Kashi/Varanasi was drawn by James Pronsep between 1820 to 1830.Plate 9 from the third part of James Prinsep's 'Benares Illustrated'. It was built by Maharani Ahalyabai Holkar of Indore state in 1780.

199 years old drawing of plan of 17th century Alamgir/Aurangzeb/Madho Rai Ki Masjid at #Varanasi/#Kashi/Benares in Uttar Pradesh was drawn by by James Prinsep in 1823.Aurangzeb destroyed Bindu Madhv temple of Kashi in 1673 & built Alamgir Masjid on the ruins of temple.

About 200 years old painting of Thatheri (brass utensil workers) Bazar of Varanasi/Kashi/Benares in Uttar Pradesh was painted by James Prinsep during 1820 to 1830.#Varanasi is one of the oldest cities in the world.

About 200 years old painting of balcony of Man Mandir observatory at Kashi/ Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh was painted by James Prinsep
during 1820 to 1830.

Around 200 years old sketch of Indian dance girls was drawn by James Prinsep during 1820 to 1830.

About 200 years old pen and ink plan of part of the Biseswar [Vishwanatha?] temple and ghats at Varanasi (Benares) by James Prinsep between 1822-30. This is one of nine drawings of Benares, from an album containing mainly plans and elevations.

About 200 years old drawing of Benares/Kashi/Varanasi
drawn by James Prinsep between 1820 & 1830.

197 years old map of the confluence of the Varuna and Ganga rivers with temples and the old fort on the left and brick kiln on the right, in Benares/Kashi was drawn by
James Prinsep in 1825.

196 years old painting of Alamgir/Aurangzeb/Madho Rai Ki Masjid at Varanasi/Kashi was painted by James Prinsep in 1826. Masjid was under repair at the time of painting.Aurangzeb destroyed Bindu Madhv temple of Kashi in 1673 & built Alamgir Masjid on the ruins of temple.

About 200 years old drawing of Ramleela play performance before Kashi ruler at Ramnagar palace at Kashi/Varanasi was drawn by
James Prinsep between 1820
to 1830.

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