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May 10, 2022, 13 tweets

Four Reuters photographers win Pulitzer for images of India’s #COVID19 crisis

Adnan Abidi, Sanna Irshad Mattoo, Amit Dave and the late Danish Siddiqui were named winners of the most prestigious award in journalism. #PulitzerPrize

News agency Reuters photographers Adnan Abidi, Sanna Irshad Mattoo, Amit Dave and the late #DanishSiddiqui won the 2022 #PulitzerPrize for feature photography for their coverage of the #coronavirus crisis in India.

#PulitzerPrize | #DanishSiddiqui, 38, was killed while covering a clash between Afghan security forces & Taliban fighters near a border crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan on July 16. He was covering the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan for Reuters.

The #PulitzerPrize, the most prestigious award in journalism, was awarded to the photographers for their images of the crisis that “balanced intimacy and devastation, while offering viewers a heightened sense of place”.

“To have Danish’s incredible work honoured in this way is a tribute to the enduring mark he has left on the world of photojournalism,” Reuters Editor-in-Chief Alessandra Galloni said

Photo by #danishsiddiqui

#PulitzerPrize | The body of a person, who died from #COVID19, lies on a funeral pyre during a mass cremation at a crematorium in New Delhi on May 1, 2021. Photo by: Reuters/Adnan Abidi

This is Abidi’s third #Pulitzer.

#PulitzerPrize | A man sits next to his wife, who was suffering from a high fever, as she intravenously receives rehydration fluid at a makeshift clinic in Parsaul village in Uttar Pradesh on May 22, 2021.

Photo by: Reuters/Adnan Abidi

Photos that won #PulitzerPrize

A man waves a handkerchief from the back seat of his vehicle at his mother as she receives oxygen in the parking lot of a Gurudwara in Ghaziabad on April 24, 2021.

Photo by: Reuters/Danish Siddiqui

#Reuters images of India’s Covid-19 crisis that won #Pulitzer 2022

Photographer #DanishSiddiqui was posthumously awarded the Pulitzer along with Adnan Abidi, Sanna Irshad Mattoo, and Amit Dave.

See all the photos here:

Photos that won #PulitzerPrize

A woman presses the chest of her father, who was having difficulty breathing, after he felt unconscious while receiving oxygen support at a Gurudwara in Ghaziabad on April 30, 2021.

Photo by: Reuters/Adnan Abidi

The New York Times won three #PulitzerPrizes and was named as a finalist in five other categories also.

The journalists of #Ukraine were also awarded a special citation for their coverage of the #Russian invasion.

Reuters photographers Adnan Abidi, Sanna Irshad Mattoo, Amit Dave and the late Danish Siddiqui won the #PulitzerPrize2022 for feature photography on Monday for their coverage of the coronavirus crisis in India.

Read more:


The jury said that the prize was awarded to the four photographers for their images of the crisis that “balanced intimacy and devastation, while offering viewers a heightened sense of place”.…

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