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May 10th 2022
Four Reuters photographers win Pulitzer for images of India’s #COVID19 crisis

Adnan Abidi, Sanna Irshad Mattoo, Amit Dave and the late Danish Siddiqui were named winners of the most prestigious award in journalism. #PulitzerPrize
News agency Reuters photographers Adnan Abidi, Sanna Irshad Mattoo, Amit Dave and the late #DanishSiddiqui won the 2022 #PulitzerPrize for feature photography for their coverage of the #coronavirus crisis in India. Image
#PulitzerPrize | #DanishSiddiqui, 38, was killed while covering a clash between Afghan security forces & Taliban fighters near a border crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan on July 16. He was covering the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan for Reuters.
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Aug 13th 2021
.@OnReality_Check | Muhammad Sohail Shaheen, current Taliban spokesperson, on reports that 22 surrendered Afghan security forces personnel were shot dead by the #Taliban

.@OnReality_Check | Muhammad Sohail Shaheen, current Taliban spokesperson, on award-winning photojournalist #DanishSiddiqui's killing in Afghanistan.

.@OnReality_Check | Muhammad Sohail Shaheen, current Taliban spokesperson, on whether the #Taliban considers India a friend or a foe.

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Jul 17th 2021
From the memorial meet for Danish Siddiqui at Press Club of India ImageImageImageImage
Working News Cameramen’s Association president Sondeep Shankar speaking at the memorial Image
.@PCITweets president @umakantlakhera speaking at the memorial #DanishSiddiqui
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Jul 17th 2021
The only reason sanghi vultures are trying to peck at #DanishSiddiqui is because he took a picture proving the full scale of covid deaths and resulting cremations in India. Literally the only reason. Because some of his pics spoiled their deluded narratives.
Notice how the only ones on Twitter dumping on heroic late photo journalist #DanishSiddique are sanghis. Because they are still upset that when BJP tried to hide the full scope of covid second surge deaths in India, Danish took this picture. That's the only reason. Sick! Image
How many million lives are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of maintaining the delusional that Modi is awesome?
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Jul 16th 2021
कई लोग दानिश सिद्दीक़ी की मौत पर ख़ुश हैं. क्यों? क्योंकि उन्होंने रोहिंग्या नरसंहार का डॉक्यूमेंटेशन किया. सेकेंड वेव के दौरान हमारे यहां अनवरत जल रही चिताओं की तस्वीरें लीं. सच दिखाया. वो किया, जो एक पत्रकार को करना ही चाहिए था.
दानिश मेरे हमपेशा थे. इतने सारे कन्फ़्लिक्ट ज़ोन्स में रिपोर्टिंग! पुलित्ज़र! मैं ख़्वाहिश करती हूं कि उनके जैसा काम कर पाऊं. और जब दुनिया मेरे काम की तारीफ़ कर रही हो, तो उनकी तरह मैं भी विनम्र रहूं. कहूं- मैंने कोई बहादुरी नहीं दिखाई, बस पत्रकार होने की अपनी ड्यूटी निभाई.
रेस्ट इन पीस दानिश. ड्यूटी निभा रहे किसी पत्रकार के साथ ऐसा न हो. न तो कोई कवरेज़ के दौरान मारा जाए. न कवरेज़ के चलते मारा जाए. और ना किसी पत्रकार की दुखद मौत पर लोग ख़ुश हों, बस इसलिए कि उसने अपना काम ईमानदारी से किया.
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