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May 12, 2022, 13 tweets

My attempt at humor in the dark times.
What kind of #cryptotrader are you?

Everybody invests differently, but there are some common themes among trader personalities. Do you fit in any of these?


- the tech analyst

”I’ll place an entry as soon as the stochastic crosses the MACD line and hits a Fibb level on the third Gann line”


- the fundamentalist

“Your magic #TA 8-ball couldn’t predict this, but fed is raising rates tomorrow and if Powell scratches his nose it means six more months of low crop yields so SELL NOW”


- the ape

“What’s the contract address?
Ok, I just bought 13 BNB worth. Does this project have a whitepaper yet?”


- the degen

“I’m in 46 different node protocols and I just longed $UST at $0.58 cuz…how could you NOT?”


- the daytrader

“I’ve got four open positions, I’m not even sure I remember what their tickers are.”


- the hodler

“I have one whole Bitcoin, and I’m never selling it. Ever! Diamond hands til I die!"


- the maxi

“Oh your network went down for two days? Gas costs you HOW MUCH? All these L1’s are going to zero. $DAG is the only TRUE Layer0.”


- the moonboi

“When $DOGE hits $1 we are gonna be fkn billionaires!”


- the influencer

“This is my unbiased review I was compensated for #NFA #DYOR


- the paranoid

"Do you think it's going to go up? Wen do you think it will recover? Can we still make profits in this market?"


- the rekt

*sobs hysterically


I hope that was fun for everyone. No offense to $DAG maxis either....just a recent experience I've had. lol


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