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May 17, 2022, 14 tweets

πŸš— Electric vehicles are set to be the future of green transport - and women are driving the revolution in India.

⚑️ Its employment gender gap worsened across many sectors during the pandemic - except #EV manufacturing.

Meet the leaders & workers at the wheel of the industry 🧡

♀️ This is Prabhjot Kaur, co-founder and CEO of Esmito Solutions.

πŸ”‹ The Indian start-up produces batteries as well as crucial battery-swapping stations for EVs.

As she's built her business, she's often had to patiently explain her job in meetings where she was the only woman.

⭕️ Prabhjot credits her father for her determination.

πŸ₯‹ He persuaded her to go to karate classes where she was the only teenage girl.

πŸ—£ "It translated into me being the best student... It also taught me not to fear my surroundings and so I never feared large groups of men."

🟒 @SulajjaFirodia launched @KineticgreenEV, which sells electric vehicles.

🚘 Yet the start of her career in transport was tough.

After finishing university in the U.S. in the mid-1990s, she joined her family's auto business, only to be met with skepticism by staff.

But Sulajja has worked hard to shake up the male-dominated auto industry.

🚘 8 years ago, at a meeting with major auto brand reps, all men, she raised the fact that only 10% of people in India drove cars.

She has since made green mobility for the masses a policy priority.

♀️ Both Prabhjot and Sulajja's stories highlight the challenges of breaking into a business that has traditionally been steered by men.

πŸšͺ But as #EV sales surge in India, more doors are opening - including for thousands of women factory workers.

πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈ Pratibha Kumbhar is one of them.

⚑️ She trained in soldering and aimed for a career in electrical work before motherhood stalled her dreams.

πŸ”‹ But now she helps assemble #EVs in a Pune factory - her first job as a formal worker with fixed wages.

♀️ As more women join the industry, they can bring new perspectives.

πŸ›΅ @mahuaacharya of @ConvergenceCESL says they often bring up issues men fail to spot, like highlighting safety and accessibility when setting up EV charging stations - not just power and land availability.

πŸ“ˆ Women-led businesses have also been key to growing the market for EVs.

πŸ’° With non-profits and state authorities, Sulajja subsidised electric rickshaws as a new source of income for women drivers in Dantewada, as well as bicycle rickshaw pullers in Uttar Pradesh.

♀️ The Indian government thinks the EV sector will create 750,000 jobs in the next five years.

Women are expected to fill a good share of the roles, from design to manufacturing.

"Women leaders are already inspiring many to join," says Munira Loliwala of TeamLease Digital.

πŸ“ˆ Boosting EV sales is also part of India's plan to tackle the #ClimateCrisis.

New policies aim to cut planet-heating emissions from fossil fuel transport by promoting the use of electric scooters, rickshaws and cars.

⛽️ Rising fuel prices are also helping the industry grow.

🌹 But the picture is not all rosy.

πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈLabour rights experts say that sometimes, firms prefer female workers because they are viewed as less likely to unionise - and tend to receive lower wages.

πŸ‘— Other manufacturing industries like clothing often hire women for these reasons.

🚨 Labour rights experts are urging EV companies to seize the opportunity to better protect workplace rights and equalise pay for women.

♀️ @Rolionaroll and @AnuraNagaraj report on what it's like to be a woman working in India's fast-growing #ElectricVehicle sector:

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