MeetWawa 🐶 Profile picture
My name is Wawa! 🐶 I'm a dog on a mission to explain finance to hoomans! Looking to explain protocols with cute comics, DM me and let's collab! ✏️ NFA.

May 18, 2022, 15 tweets

1/10 The market is in turmoil, $LUNA went to zero and $UST has de-pegged, we hope everyone is okay.

Financial health is important, but so is your mental health.

Here's a checklist of things you should do to keep yourself calm. 🧵👇🏻

#mentalhealth #wellness #selfcare

2/10 Money comes and goes, but you can always earn it back.

What's important is our survival. We just need to survive so that we can fight another day!

Let's take it one step at a time.

3/10 Firstly, you want to assess your financial situation.

Do you have 6 months of cash to survive? This includes rent and debt payments.

If you don't, you should try to achieve this asap for peace of mind, even if it means selling at a loss until you have enough cash. #NFA

4/10 If not, you need to know what's your plan B.

Do you have family and friends that you can reach out to for help for your basic needs?

Once you have secured your livelihood, you should feel a lot calmer!

5/10 Now we can focus on your mental health because you need a sound mind in order to fight the fight.

Here's what I recommend!


6/10 Breathing exercises.

First, take three deep breaths. This should keep you calmer for now.

Breathing exercises can help to quiet your mind and move away from the worries in your head.

7/10 Stay hydrated.

Grab a glass and drink up! You need to keep yourself hydrated so that you will have the energy to power through and get over this hurdle!

8/10 Take a walk.

Forget about the charts for a moment, staring at them doesn't help your situation. Go outside and be grateful you are alive!

Regular walks reduce worry and calms you down by energizing your spirits while wiping out negative thoughts.

9/10 Who knows, you might even meet someone you like! ;)

10/10 Here's the full comic for your viewing pleasure!

On a more serious note, some of us are very badly affected by this event and may need some external help.

Here's a list of suicide hotlines that you can reach out to if you need help or know anyone that needs help.…

I want to make crypto fun and healthy one comic at a time. If you enjoyed this comic thread, please consider:

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Let me know what I should draw next!👇🏻

If there are any mental health advocates or companies that you think we should work with, do tag them below as we would love to do a collab!

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