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May 22, 2022, 13 tweets

.@DrTedros is now presenting the World Health Organization Director-General’s Global Health Leaders’ Award at the #WHA75…

WHO Director-General’s Global Health Leaders’ Award, established in 2019, is given by @DrTedros to recognize contributions to advancing global health, demonstrated leadership & commitment to regional health issues.

Dr Paul Farmer was Chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine at @harvardmed, co-founder & chief strategist of @PIH - an intl NGO established in 1987 providing direct health care services, research & advocacy for those who are sick and living in poverty #WHA75

Dr. Paul Farmer has written extensively on health, human rights, and the consequences of social inequality.
He passed away in his sleep in February 2022 in Rwanda.

Dr @ahmedhankir is Senior Research fellow at the Centre for Mental Health Research in association with @Cambridge_Uni & Academic Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry at @KingsCollegeLon in the UK.
He is also known for his work on Muslim #MentalHealth, islamophobia & violent extremism

Dr @ahmedhankir has authored "The Wounded Healer", an anti-stigma programme that blends the power of the performing arts & storytelling with psychiatry.
His work has been integrated into the medical school curriculum of four UK universities #WHA75

Ms Oliviera Varela, a youth sports advocate from Cabo Verde & player of the Cabo Verde national volleyball team, holds weekly training sessions for youths in Praia City to provide a healthy alternative to risky behaviors among young people and #BeatNCDs #WHA75

Mr Yōhei Sasakawa is the WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination, and #Japan's Ambassador for the Human Rights of People Affected by #leprosy.
For more than 40 years, he has continued his global fight against leprosy, as well as its stigma & social discrimination #WHA75

As chairman of @NipponZaidan, #Japan's largest charitable foundation, Mr Sasakawa has been a pioneer in guiding public-interest activities by the private sector in modern Japan #WHA75

Mr Mohamamd Zubair Khalazai
Mr Najibullah Kosha
Mr Shadab Yosufi
Mr Shareefullah Hemati
Mrs Haseeba Omari
Ms Khadija Attaee
Ms Munira Hakimi
Ms Robina Yosufi & her brother Shadab
were 8 volunteer polio workers who were shot & killed by armed gunmen in Afghanistan on 24 Feb 2022

These eight volunteers were reaching thousands of children through house-to-house campaigns in north-eastern Afghanistan.
Their work was crucial in a country where wild #polio virus type 1 is still circulating.

Health workers are #NotATarget


The Accredited Social Health Activist Workers (ASHA) are more than 1 million female volunteers in #India, honored for their crucial role in linking the community with the health system and ensuring that those living in rural poverty can access primary health care services #WHA75

ASHA - means 'hope' in Hindi. These health workers provide maternal care & immunization for children against vaccine-preventable diseases; community health care; treatment for hypertension & tuberculosis & core areas of health promotion for nutrition, sanitation & healthy living

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