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My previous account was: NotHunterBiden (DosmasDos618)

May 24, 2022, 5 tweets


DONBAS battalion
After 2014 protests evolved into declarations of independence in EAST #Ukraine, the extreme right shifted gear to full-scale armed combat. DONBAS was formed by Donbass native neo-Nazis, their crimes include torture and rape of a person with mental disability.


Quick note
Is this a complete list of #Nazi groups in #Ukraine?
NO, NOT EVEN CLOSE, there are more than 50 Neo nazi "volunteer battalions" in Ukraine, plus several more political and underground organizations.
So, let's move to the next one...


National Corps
NC is the political arm of #AZOV. This makes them one of the MOST dangerous groups because they invest heavily in propaganda, their "ideologist", Olena Semenyaka, is always touring Europe to court support. N-Corps favours the creation of an "Aryan superstate"


“There are also #Nazis in Russia"

Russia can tolerate an ugly tattoo but being an ACTIVE NAZI is a SERIOUS crime.
Even the well known Nazi Community "White Lives Matter" states that most #Nazi Russian groups were already cracked down. Few remaining are being hunted.


Created in 2020 by ex-Azov Ihor Mykhailenko
Involved in all kind of physical attacks, from mass clashes in Odessa to beating of politicians like Mykhailo Shpira and Illia Kyva
Sharij party alleged that attacks are coordinated by Ukraine's president Zelensky

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