Carre 🤷🏿‍♀️ The Bad Guy Profile picture
[be your own hero.]

Jun 7, 2022, 6 tweets

I #showered today, went to my eye appointment, and intended to go work at a coffee shop.

My #Depression: *zaps me of all energy no matter how hopeful we were for the day.*

My #Anxiety: I mean what if you go the coffee shop and someone steals your computer or hit your car?

Me takes phone off of #airplanemode to call my insurance company--waits on hold for 45+ minutes... no biggie.

Personal call comes through, I pick up and I REMEMBER
why my phone been on #airplanemode for days.

Humans can be exhausting+ I'm already exhausted. Not the best combo.

Me returns home.

Me:* feels defeated; guilty; exhausted; invalidated; but still NOT giving up.*

Me: *puts phone back on #airplanemode for safety*

Me: *continues be gentle with myself;drinks water; and remind myself that I am important, valuable, worthy, lovable,and enough.*

Don't look for me...
I don't want to be found by others, right now...
I only wanna be found by my higher self because she's the only one who will be there frfr.
I got me. I been had me.
I am willing to accept where I am because I know better is coming.


Also,PLEASE refrain from telling me any version of the following:

YOu'rE STroNG.

yOU GOt THis.

YoUr TRauMa / EXPERIENCES / MH iS VaLID but ONLY to the degree it makes other people comfortable.

Let's actually NOT... and DON'T.

Furthermore, this is NOT my cry OR call for help... yall don't answer those anyways. 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️


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