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Jun 9, 2022, 11 tweets

How Cardano could realistically reach $200 per ADA (Yes, really!)

A Thread....

#Cardano #ADA $ADA $GOKEY

2/ Intro

At the moment, as we’re sitting with ADA comfortably below $0.70, it might seem like an absurd notion to even consider ADA potentially reaching $100, let alone $200.

But today we will be exploring realistic and sustainable ways that this can happen.

#realfi #proptech

3/ Setting the Scene

Crypto today is a $1.25 trillion industry. But compared to other industries it remains tiny.

For instance, research by @zillow suggests the aggregate residential real estate market in the US is $43.4 trillion

To equal this, #crypto would need to nearly 40x

4/ Real World Use

Cardano is one of the few blockchains that prioritizes real-world applications of blockchain tech over purely #DeFi speculation

It seeks to capture value in all its forms, including identity, real estate, etc. This is done to support economic justice for all.

5/ Dead Capital

Less than 30% of people on earth have access to the rights associated with their property

They might live legally somewhere but have no way of proving it. This means that they cant use it as collateral in financial transactions. The capital is effectively dead☠️

6/ MASSIVE Problem

This dead capital trapped in assets all over the world is estimated to be over $9.3 trillion.

When we consider that the world GDP for 2020 was $84.71 trillion, simply acknowledging and formalizing these assets would improve world GDP by 11%.


7/ Ongoing Problem

Imagine you’re in a war, and the property registry office gets destroyed. You then flee and dont take the documentation of your house as you have other priorities

Years later you come back, but then find out someone stole your land, but can’t prove it’s yours

8/ Cardano’s Opportunity

With its emphasis on real finance, and the blockchain’s immutability, unbiasedness and decentralization, Cardano can easily become a data management solution via government partnerships

Cardano could store secure copies of #property registries and IDs.

9/ How to do this?

Platforms like #GoKey can tokenize property rights and onboard these assets onto the Cardano ecosystem as digital tokens which can be used as DeFi collateral.

In other words, the $9.3 trillion in “dead capital” could instead become total value locked.


10/ Price Effects

While not an immediate correlation, if we were to assume the $9.3 trillion value dispersed over Cardano’s 45 billion ADA tokens, this would imply an $ADA value of $206!

And that's all on top of ADA's current $21 billion (+/-) #marketcap!

11/ Conclusion

We’re sometimes too narrow-minded when we talk about potential increases in crypto valuations, especially in Cardano.

Once crypto at large is geared towards incorporating existing industries into the blockchain, even the craziest price predictions will seem tame.

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