EigenPhi HQ 🎯 Wisdom of DeFi (🔭, 🎙) 🦇🔊 Profile picture
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Jun 10, 2022, 8 tweets

1/8 #DeFi #Frontrunning #MEV #Ethereum 🥪 daily report from EigenPhi. EST period: 09/06~10/06 7 am. eigenphi.notion.site/Sandwich-Arbit… More 🥪 got profit over $1K.

2/8 P/L distribution can help you find the most and least cost-effective arbitrages of the day.

3/8 Like this one #MEV 🤖️ 's cost was over $12K and made $1,131.74 with a ROI of 9.09% through a sandwich #arbitrage , using ( $$WIND , $WETH , $USDC ). It put over $3.5M to use. eigenphi.io/ethereum/tx/0x…

4/8 On the contrary, check this top 🥪 Attack: #MEV 🤖️ made $275.94 with a ROI of 2186.83% through a sandwich #arbitrage , using ( $LUNCH , $WETH , $CAW , $USDC ). eigenphi.io/ethereum/tx/0x…

5/8 2 out of the top 5 🥪 employed #M87

6/8 Top 10 exploited routers and proxies.

7/8 Top 😈 and top 😭

The top dog cooked 111 🥪.

8/8 I hope you've found this thread helpful.

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