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Jun 11, 2022, 14 tweets

15 Must Watch Tv series

(A Thread) #TVseries #TopTen2blue

1. #GameOfThrones (8s - 73epi)
2. #BreakingBad (5s - 62epi)
Famous ones..

3. #Dexter (8s - 96epi)
Lots of Blood
Dexter Morgan💥💥

4. #MoneyHeist (5s - 41epi)
More fans and more haters

5. #Friends (10s - 236epi)
6. #TheOffice (9s - 201epi)
Funniest ever But the one with Background laughs and another one with not..

7. #Lost (6s - 121epi)
Sci fi/Survival thriller/Drama/Supernatural/ time travel/Mystery/horror/romance/comedy/war/.. Mixture of multiple genres

8. #PrisonBreak (5s - 90epi)
Michael Scofield is the name..

9. #HowToGetAwayWithMurder (6s - 90epi)
90episodes but 400+ twists..
If you predict, u are genius..

10. #StrangerThings (4s - 32epi)
It is for everyone...

11. #PersonOfInterest (5s - 103epi)
Everything is about machines
Absolute Banger

12. #Dark (3s - 26epi)
Best Ever Time travel show..

13. #Sense8 (2s - 24epi)
Unique Gem in Netflix

14. #TheWalkingDead (11s - 169epi)
Watching upto 7th season is enough.. But Epic..

15. #The100 (7s - 100epi)
Good ride...

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