Extinction Rebellion Belgium Profile picture
We are facing ecological breakdown! Act now! 🌍🔥⌛

Jun 12, 2022, 8 tweets

🔴 BREAKING: XR Animal took over @McDonalds in the center of Brussels and the Place de la Bourse for a #StopEcocideFood action.
We denounce the responsibility of @McDonalds in the ongoing ecocide and its links with #FactoryFarms of intensive breeding.
#Stopspeciesm #XRAnimal

#FactoryFarms are ecocidal enterprises
- #IntensiveFarming is responsible for over 60% of the deforestation of the Amazon and over 15% of CO² emissions
- This industry is responsible for 25% of soil acidification and 74% of the degradation of aquatic areas according to the @FAO

... #IntensiveFarming plays a major role in global warming, zoonoses and pandemics, thus endangering global health and food security.
However, multinational food companies such as @McDonalds, @kfc , @BurgerKing... are mainly sourcing from #factoryfarms.

... A @UCLouvain_be study shows that Belgians aged between 15 and 65 eat an average of 114g of meat/day when they should be eating a maximum of 27g to reduce greenhouse gases by 58% and nitrogen emissions by 40%. This would reduce the pressure on biodiversity in Belgium by 76%.

... No longer consuming animals is therefore not an option if we want not only to preserve future generations but also to show empathy towards animals who have no choice in a speciesist society where they are exploited from their birth to their premature death.

... For #XRAnimal, the ecocidal fast food model has no place. They must therefore make a radical transition to a #PlantBased diet without animal suffering, a #Regenerative and #ResilientAgriculture, a business model that respects workers and the environment.

... We are here to denounce the crime of #Ecocide committed by @McDonalds .
We demand that @McDonalds take responsibility, make a real transition and not #GreenWashing.

Follow XR Animal on social media (French only) !
👉 fb: @xranimal
👉 IG: @xr.animal
Join the citizen action from June 14th
👉 xranimal.earth/zoo-rebellion-…

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