🔴 BREAKING: XR Animal took over @McDonalds in the center of Brussels and the Place de la Bourse for a #StopEcocideFood action.
We denounce the responsibility of @McDonalds in the ongoing ecocide and its links with #FactoryFarms of intensive breeding. #Stopspeciesm#XRAnimal#FactoryFarms are ecocidal enterprises
- #IntensiveFarming is responsible for over 60% of the deforestation of the Amazon and over 15% of CO² emissions
- This industry is responsible for 25% of soil acidification and 74% of the degradation of aquatic areas according to the @FAO
🔴Action by XR Animal to demand a halt to all #FactoryFarms. #Meat production needs to be reduced by 83% by 2050 in 🇧🇪 to reduce greenhouse gases by 58% and nitrogen emissions by 40%. This would reduce pressure on biodiversity by 76%. #RebelForLife#StopSpeciesism
...Proximity, violence and disease are the daily lot of the animals exploited in factory farms.
No-man's-lands where cruelty is a daily occurrence and where ethical and health scandals are constantly breaking out. #AnimalCruelty