Dr M. Mahesh (ಮಹೇಶ್) (he/him/his) Profile picture
Prof of Radiology & Cardiology-Johns Hopkins Univ • President of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)

Jun 14, 2022, 9 tweets

Pre-dawn, MP is working remotely from the roof-top pool at the hotel, preparing for the session @IUPESMWC2022. He gets text on ‘WhatsApp’ from IM
IM: Hey doc, I see that you are checking the slides one final time. BTW, we all are looking forward to your session this morning


MP: Really, how come?
IM: Since #WC2022 is hybrid, even though it is late in some parts, we are looking forward
MP: Thanks–Yes, lot of efforts went in pulling this session. Thanks to Dr Borras (@IOMP & @aapmHQ ) & Dr Tom Judd (@IFBME & @WHO ), even I am looking forward to


IM: BTW doc, my cousin said, she liked your title, “Symbiotic relationship between #MedicalPhysicists and #Clinical Engineers” & so do I.
MP: Glad you liked, hopefully y’all will like what I present


IM: Doc, we all know how important for us, when Medical Physicists (#MPs) & Clinical Engineers (#CEs) work cooperatively. It is like “an engine running smoothly when the wheels are properly aligned, lubricated, etc.…”
MP: Thanks, I couldn’t have said it better.


MP: Thanks – I couldn’t have said it better. Do you mind if I borrow ur statement to share during our discussion?
IM: Off course, yes doc. I see that the session alternates talk between #MPs and #CE.


IM: I see that the session alternates talk between #MPs and #CE. I wish your colleague Dr Richardson (@HikesWithDogs00 ) was here. Nice perspective of MPs & CEs relationships in Radiation Oncology.


MP: I wish that too, however, she will be participating in the live discussion
IM: I also see your friend from South Africa is speaking, no wonder it raises the average level of your session
MP: So, do I, we also have representative from @WHO and #UK as speakers.


IM: Doc, better watch out from my uncle, he is little grumpy and will be asking tough questions

MP: Ha ha (laughs) – you are talking about your cylindrical headed uncle (C-arm w Image Intensifier). Off course he is an ‘OG’, and I will be watch out. Thanks.


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