Dr M. Mahesh (ಮಹೇಶ್) (he/him/his) Profile picture
Prof of Radiology & Cardiology-Johns Hopkins Univ • President of American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
Feb 14, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Conversation between CT & MP on Valentine's Day (VDay)

CT: What's up doc? what u doing for VDay?
MP: Well, I thought of sharing about cardiac CT scans.
CT: Why?
MP: It’s Go Red month – raising awareness about Women’s heart health. What better way to talk about heart scans.
MP: What better way to talk about Coronary Artery Calcium (CAC) scans, since we can do it at such low radiation dose levels.
CT: Doc, we try to keep u away from ‘Nerd Central’, but u aren’t making our work easy

MP: Off course, I will do all things others do on VDay plus this
2/ Image
Dec 30, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Food Diaries:
‘Maddur Vade’ (ಮದ್ದೂರು ವಡೆ)

A.1 cup of Rice Flour
B.½ cup of Maida Powder (All Purpose Flour)
C.½ cup of Sooji (Rave) (Semolina)
D.2 medium size onions (Vidalia or Red)
E.1 T-spoon of red chilli powder
F.4 green chillies

1/ Image G.Pinch of Asafoetida & Turmeric Powder, Salt to taste

Main labor
1.Mix A + B + C + D + E + F + G.
2.Heat ~5T Spoon of oil & pour to the mix.
3.Slowly mix – onions w salt will bring out moisture so add water carefully so that the mix can be rolled into tight dough

2/ Image
Dec 1, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
Conversations between CT & MP re @RSNA meeting

CT: Hey doc, how was #RSNA2023 & how did your session go?

MP: Great, so was the RSNA After Dark Party – it seems like it was more crowded than last year.

CT: Seems like it, especially from all the photos you tweeted.

1/ Image MP: As usual, #RSNA2023 was rich w scientific & educational sessions.

CT: What about plenary sessions, I know u like going to those?

MP: Plenary sessions are always great w unique & highly acclaimed talks.

2/ Image
Oct 28, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Food Diaries: Happy Halloween
Pumpkins used carving are different from Edible Pumpkins

"Pumpkin Gojju aka ಕುಂಬಳಕಾಯಿ ಗೊಜ್ಜು" is done using edible pumpkin.

Mysore Pumpkin Gojju (ಮೈಸೂರು ಕುಂಬಳಕಾಯಿ ಗೊಜ್ಜು)
A: Pumpkin (1/2 of medium size) (ಕುಂಬಳಕಾಯಿ)

1/ Image For Spice Paste:
B: 1 cup of Hurigadale (ಹುರಿಗಡಲೆ)
C: 1 Cup fresh coconut (ತೆಂಗಿನಕಾಯಿ) or dry coconut (
D: 2 T-spoon of Sesame Seeds (ಎಳ್ಳು), 4-6 red chilies (ಕೆಂಪು ಮೆಣಸಿನಕಾಯಿ),
E: Curry Leaves (ಕರಿಬೆವು ಸೊಪ್ಪು)
F: Asteofitida (Hing/ ಹಿಂಗು), Ginger piece (ಶುಂಠಿ)

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Oct 8, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Excellent article in special issue of @RadioGraphics on Community outreach in breast imaging - What can be done to close the gap in uninsured population Image Variables that affect access to screening mammography - obvious but are to be minimized so as to increase access Image
Sep 9, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Bogota Dairies:

Visit to Laguna de Guatavita was truly a magical experience - re how colonizers destroyed indigenous people & their customs.

Story: Muisca tribe respected & considered Laguna de Guatavita very sacred. Early spaniards were told gold was dumped in laguna Image Lake Guatavita was reputedly one of the sacred lakes of the Muisca, and a ritual conducted there is widely thought to be the basis for the legend of El Dorado, "the golden one"
. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Guat…
Aug 30, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Conversation between IM & MP

IM: Hey doc, what are U taping?

MP: U see, “even though everyone starts at same time, some run fast & reach end early”

IM: What’s so great about that?

MP: Well, I was thinking of using this to explain T1 relaxation times in MR Physics

1/ Image IM: How?

MP: Just like runners, different molecules or cells relax differently (when all pushed to one end w #RF pulse & as they rush to align w the main magnetic field), by capturing the differences, one can create T1 signals that differentiates tumors from normal cells

2/ Image
Aug 16, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Article + Editorial: Discuss nicely the advantages & limitations of Contrast Enhanced Mammography (CEM) w Breast MRI & proposed abbreviated MRI

https://t.co/TX7dhZzWuD https://t.co/wQGYfW3oKcpubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/ra…
Image Breast MRI: Problems in the clinical workflow, includes limited availability, high costs & limited applicability in patients w metallic implants or claustrophobia, or those in poor general condition due to longer scanning time

Aug 6, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Food Diaries:

As promised detail on first dish

How to make Tomato-Onion-Gojju (ಟೊಮೆಟೊ ಈರುಳ್ಳಿಗೊಜ್ಜು)
Main components:
a.6-8 Tomatoes on the Vine
b.2 large Vidalia onions
c.¼ cup of fresh coconut pieces
d.Channa dal, Coriander seed

1/ https://t.co/sRS1xRqDLM

e.Jaggary (small piece) or 2 T spoon of sugar
f.Curry leaves & Coriander leaves, red chillies
Main labor:
a.Slice tomato into ¼ inch thick and cut it in half.
b.Slice onions into ¼ inch size piece and cut it in half.

2/ Image
Jul 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
St. Louis Diaries: #AAPM2023

Pit stop in St. Louis on my way to home to see my MS advisor & life long mentor Sr Jeanette Feldott.

1st advisor when I came from India 4 my masters @MarquetteU .
Grateful to spend time w her. She introduced me to all her friends in nursing home Image St Louis Diaries: #AAPM2023 On way home from Houston

Staff at nursing home told how much she was looking forward to meeting me after nearly 30 years.

In fact nursing home staff mentioned that she has been bragging about me all week.

I feel very lucky and also blessed Image
Jul 25, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Conversations between MP and c-arms:

3 pm: Surgical corridor: MM (QMP) passing by slightly whistling, one of the C-arms gives shouts

C-arms: Hey doc, why are so happy?

MM: Well, I just got that phone call.

C-arms: Which one – from Hollywood?

MM: No, call from @aapmHQ

1/ Image C-arm: Thank God, it wasn’t Hollywood – I thought since the other guy became so famous, they were calling to recruit you to play that guy on the sequel to “The Big Bang Theory”

MM: I am not interested, I said it was from AAPM

C-arm: What for?

Jan 1, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
New Year's Eve:

Conversation between MP and IMs regarding Resolutions for 2023

Last day of the year 2022, MP hears a chorus from the surgical area. It appears to be coming from the direction where the O-arm, C-arm, mini-C-arm standing outside the IR-CT room.

1/ MP taps on the O-arm and asks

MP: What’s happening guys? What is this chorus I am hearing?

O-arm: Doc, we all agreed to state our New Year Resolution

MP: I thought people stopped making new year resolutions, since they can’t seem to keep it up after few weeks

Jan 1, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Happy New Year to all my Twitter Friends!

How to make ‘Udupi-Style Hagalakayi Gojju?’ (ಉಡುಪಿ ಶೈಲಿಯ ಹಾಗಲಕಾಯಿ ಗೊಜ್ಜು)
(Tried again after failing earlier)

Main components:
3-4 bitter gourd (Hagalakayi - ಹಾಗಲಕಾಯಿ)

1/ Main labor:
a.Start by cutting bitter gourd into small pieces
b.Before that remove the inner seeds
c.Marinate the cut pieces in turmeric powder and salt for 20 min (this is done to reduce bitterness, if not, bitterness can be too strong for consumption)

Dec 18, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Diversity in Radiology: Current status & trends from 2010-2019
#of females graduating from medical school is >50%, but, #of radiology residency applicants is <30% & has remained unchanged in last decade

@radiology_rsna @RadITrainEditor

The low representation of African American & Hispanic radiology faculty is seen at all levels & has not changed over time
Dec 10, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Ex:potentially beneficial alternative treatments for heart failure

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids—think fish oil—can lower a patient’s risk of heart failure and help treat symptoms associated with heart failure

@Heart_SCCT @aapmHQ
Omega-3:They should always be used in moderation, as taking too much may lead to a heightened risk of atrial fibrillation

Yoga & Tai chi may improve quality of life & decrease blood pressure if practiced in addition to standard, recommended treatments

Dec 6, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
#RSNA2022 #RSNA22 diaries - Part 2
Conversations of MP with MDCT and Oarm re #RSNA2022 meeting

MDCT: Hey doc, O-arm is on his way. We want to hear more about @RSNA

MP: I only have 30 min as I need to attend #IRB meeting

MDCT: Ok doc, tell us about technical exhibits?
1/ MP: Technical exhibits were again quite interesting, sprawling over both North and South side @MccormickPlaceM One highlight of walking through technical exhibits was meeting friends after a long time

MDCT: How was the sessions on #PCCT?

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Dec 5, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
#RSNA2022 #RSNA22 diaries
Conversations between MDCT and MP re #RSNA2022 meeting

MDCT: Hey doc, now that you have rested and back to work, can you tell me how was @RSNA and what were the highlights of #RSNA2022 meeting?

MP: First of all, people have returned to the meeting. More than anything, I heard from many that attendees were very glad to meet their friends and colleagues after 3 years

MDCT: Seems like it, especially from all the photos you had tweeted

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Dec 5, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Mysore Egg Plant-Avarekalu Uppittu ಮೈಸೂರ್ ಬದನೇಕಾಯಿ-ಅವರೇಕಾಳು ಉಪ್ಪಿಟ್ಟು
A: Rava (1-2 cups) (cream of wheat)
B: Vidala onion (1 medium size)
C: Small round egg plant (2)
D: Red Bell Pepper
E: Green Beans (5-10)
F: Lilva Beans (Avarekalu) (frozen)

1/ F: Season w Mustard, Cumin seeds, Urad dal, Green chillies
G: Ginger, Curry leaves & finely chopped coriander

1. Start w seasoning w mustard, cumin seeds, urad dal
2. Add green chillies to your taste, ginger & curry leaves

Dec 5, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Simple Side Dish: French-cut beans (frozen) Palya
A: French style Green Beans (16 oz, available in frozen vegetable section)
D: Seasoning items: Mustard, Cumin seeds, Urad dal, Green-chillies
E: Ginger, Curry leaves & finely chopped coriander

Cook time:<10 min
Cost: <$2
1/ Process:
1.Microwave frozen French style green beans for 6-8 min to soften
2.Chop ginger, green chillies
3.Start with seasoning (Olive oil) w mustard, cumin seeds, urad dal
4.Add green-chillies to your spice handling
5.Add curry leaves & chopped ginger

Dec 1, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
#RSNA2022 #RSNA22 diaries
Conversations between UL & MP re studies w & w/o contrast
UL: Hey doc! We have a new probe (7.5 MHz), & he keeps bugging me about studies w & w/o contrast with #CT & #MRI

MP: That’s easy girl. Why are you having difficulty explaining.

1/ UL: You don’t know doc; this probe thinks he is high frequency & don’t seem to agree on what I say. Just tell me how I can explain in simple terms.

MP: I will try by two images I took at RSNA. Consider 1st photo without contrast & then 2nd photo as study with contrast
Nov 30, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
#RSNA2022 #rsna22 diaries
Conversations between O-arm and MP re RSNA meeting

O-arm: Hey doc! How is it going over there @rsna #rsna2022? My cousin’s teenage daughter was telling that you are posting a lot on Instagram. What’s up with that?

1/ MP: Why can’t we #MedPhys not allowed to be instagramers? @aapmHQ

O-arm: I was just teasing you doc. As a teacher it is always best to make your students feel comfortable communicating w you, especially if they think you can understand them
