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Dec 1st 2022
Some other #WC2022 facts:

During a match against Qatar last week, England’s 19-year-old Jude Bellingham became the first player born in the 21st century to score a goal in a World Cup match.
The Qatar tournament also features the first set of full siblings to compete for different teams, with Iñaki Williams representing Ghana and his younger brother, Nico Williams, making his World Cup debut for Spain.
Canadian coach John Herdman is the first manager in World Cup history to have led both a men's and a women's team at the tournaments, having previously coached the New Zealand women’s team in the 2007 and 2011 women’s World Cups.
Read 4 tweets
Nov 28th 2022

HOW TO COACH: Morata's opening goal

Busquets switches the play to Olmo. Olmo rotates with Alba, with the latter pushing up and wide. Morata positions himself in between the CBs as the ball goes wide.
Morata pulls onto the shoulder of Süle as Alba controls the ball.
As Alba prepares the cross, Morata starts his run in front of Süle.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
🇳🇱 Netherlands 1-1 Ecuador 🇪🇨

HOW TO COACH: Valencia's equalising goal

Ecuador compact the central area in the transition creating a defensive triangle. The midfield mark the spaces so they can cut passes out to two players.
Ecuador have more players around the ball in transition to gain possession.
P.Estupiñán makes a great run to receive the ball and takes a great first touch to drive into the box and get a shot on goal.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
Pre-dawn, MP is working remotely from the roof-top pool at the hotel, preparing for the session @IUPESMWC2022. He gets text on ‘WhatsApp’ from IM
IM: Hey doc, I see that you are checking the slides one final time. BTW, we all are looking forward to your session this morning

MP: Really, how come?
IM: Since #WC2022 is hybrid, even though it is late in some parts, we are looking forward
MP: Thanks–Yes, lot of efforts went in pulling this session. Thanks to Dr Borras (@IOMP & @aapmHQ ) & Dr Tom Judd (@IFBME & @WHO ), even I am looking forward to

IM: BTW doc, my cousin said, she liked your title, “Symbiotic relationship between #MedicalPhysicists and #Clinical Engineers” & so do I.
MP: Glad you liked, hopefully y’all will like what I present

Read 9 tweets
Apr 1st 2022
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Sunak criticised by Tory colleagues for not doing more now to help people with cost of living

💷Council tax

@HugoGye @ChaplainChloe deep-dive here

ex-Cabinet minister: "If you have shares in Rishi, sell now. He is too politically naive"…
Scoop @poppyeh

Catholic churches + Right to Life group derailed at-home abortions in England (pre MP block)

Templated mass-responses to Govt consultation drowned @RCObsGyn @MidwivesRCM @TheBMA @rcgp after @DHSCgovuk "treated responses equally in weight"…
Read 17 tweets

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