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Don't sit idly by. Speak up. #Onpoli #ABleg #cdnpoli #uspolitics. #Disinformation decoder, #OSINT sleuth. Politics, dogs, music.🇨🇦🇺🇸🌻

Jun 22, 2022, 7 tweets

A reminder of what a delusional psychopath Tom Marazzo is. This toxic nut-job who was fired from his job, not elected to anything, imagined himself as high level negotiator “willing” to sit down with elected opposition. The entitlement of these assholes is unreal. #FreeDumbConvoy

Tamara Lich, Tom Marazzo, Quiggin, Dichter, Pat King, Chris Sky, all of them, fit the description from this past tweet.
the #TyrannyOfTheStupid.

#FreeDumbConvoy #cdnpoli

The CAF’s wording of Marazzo’s full release from the CAF suggests he was let go. They won’t say why. #FreeDumbConvoy

This is who #CPC & provincial #Conservatives have allied themselves with. #FreeDumbConvoy

Getting some very odd troll farm responses here on this thread.

Fun fact: Rupa Subramanya (seen here trying to parse a defence of Marazzo) is one of the top vectors for Russian disinformation on Canadian social media. #cdnpoli #FreeDumbConvoy #TimbitTaliban #cdnmedia

Tom Marazzo was fired from Georgian College for being a pathologically delusional entitled jerk. Not for his anti-vax stance.
H/t to @THobbs50 for this CanLii link. #FreeDumbConvoy #Grifters #cdnpoli #NeverVoteConservative

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