🧵New investigation into e-commerce giant : We uncovered a huge range of child sex abuse dolls including replica toddler girls marketed for men's sexual purposes on @madeinchina_b2b
#madeinchinaDOTCOM #MICchildsexabusedolls #ecommerce #endsexploitation Made-in-China.com
We found numerous listings for the replica female children designed with penetrable orifices for men's simulation of child rape. @madeinchina_b2b #madeinchina #MICchildsexabusedolls #ecommerce #EndSexploitation #CSAM #CEM #EndSexploitation #b2b #ecommerce
The products are listed with descriptors including 'young', 'child', 'girl', 'flat chest', 'real' and 'loli'.
The number of penetrable 'holes' - mouth, vagina + anal orifices - is usually listed.
@madeinchina_b2b #MICchildsexabusedolls
One @madeinchina_b2b supplier offers made-to-order replica, penetrable female children based on customer-supplied images. Men can send pics of real children and their team will create a child sex abuse doll from it.
In 2020, a US based mother was alerted to a child sex abuse doll for sale on Amazon which bore a striking resemblance to her daughter Kat. One picture appeared to recreate a photo of her daughter she had previously shared to Facebook. Read more>> filia.org.uk/latest-news/20…
We documented the same child sex abuse doll + promo image on @madeinchina_b2b. The listing for the 128cm doll included the descriptor 'baby': 'She can please you with her mouth, vagina and anus.' #MICchildsexabusedolls #MIC #MadeInChinaDotCom #ecommerce #FocusTechChina
One @madeinchina_b2b supplier offers to send potential buyers 'more sexy photos' of replica toddler girls - in other words, child sexual abuse material.
Suppliers assure buyers that through discreet packaging, their purchases of child sex abuse dolls #CSAM will stay 'secret'.
.@madeinchina_b2b child sex abuse doll sellers offer delivery via @TNTExpress #DHL @UPS + @FedEx
#MICchildsexabusedolls #MadeInChinaDotCom #ecommerce #EndSexploitation @dhlexpressuk @DHLUS @DeutschePostDHL
According to sellers, payment for @madeinchina_b2b child sex abuse dolls can be made using @PayPal + @MoneyGram
#MICchildsexabusedolls #ecommerce #corporatesocialresponsibility #EndSexploitation
We are calling on @madeinchina_b2b to immediately remove all child sex abuse doll listings + permanently ban suppliers. #FocusTechChina #MadeInChinaDotCom #MICchildsexabusedolls #EndSexploitation #EndSexploitation #ecommerce #corporatesocialresponsibility
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