Stefan Simanowitz Profile picture
"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Jun 24, 2022, 8 tweets

Tomorrow, the #SaturdayMothers who have been holding weekly vigils for the disappeared in #Turkey for decades, will hold their 900th vigil

At their 700th vigil - the police moved in using teargas & detaining 46 and banning future vigils

@amnesty observers will be at the vigil

As the Saturday Mother’s prepare to gather in Istanbul, @OBS_defenders & @fidh_en urge Turkish authorities to lift the ban & authorise @saturdaymothers vigils at the Galatasaray Sq today for the 900th week of these symbolic demonstrations…

#BREAKING: Reports that 15 people have been detained, after riot police prevented #SaturdayMothers/ @CmrtesiAnneleri peaceful 900th weekly vigil in Istanbul for family members disappeared almost 3 decades ago

All those detained must be released.

“Security forces are blocking our entrance to Galatasaray Sq

We won’t give up our constitutional freedom of assembly, or the square where we chose to exercise it

In humanity’s conscience, Galatasaray is ours” @CmrtesiAnneleri

Amnesty Intnl @amnesty demand release of the head of the Human Rights Association @ihd_genelmerkez, Öztürk Türkdoğan, human rights lawyer, @KeskinEren1, & several relatives of victims of enforced disappearances from the Saturday Mothers detained today…

Those detained at 900th #SaturdayMothers vigil:

Eren Keskin
Öztürk Türkdoğan
Gülseren Yoleri
Hanife Yıldız
Besna Tosun
Jiyan Tosun
Maside Ocak
Ali Ocak
İrfan Bilgin
Hasan Karakoç
İkbal Eren
Mikail Kırbayır
Zeynep Çelik
Arat Dink
Jiyan Kaya
Davut Arslan

These two photos show Emine Ocak in 1997 & in 2019

Her son was arrested in #Turkey in 1995 & was never seen again

Emine is one of the #SaturdayMothers demanding justice for victims of forced disappearances in 1980s & 90s

This footage👇is from today.

“We refuse to be ashamed, forgotten, or to step back!

We do not consent to our history, present & future being taken away from us with hate speech, bans & threats!”

Our struggle is the same struggle #RoeVsWade #RoeOverturned #pride #Pride2022 #Pride2022

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