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'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did & it never will' - Frederick Douglass #FuckMusk #FuckFarage #FuckTrump

Jun 24, 2022, 15 tweets


#Nazi Germany 1933-39 was characterized by the suppression of the birth control movement, increasing restrictions on legal abortion, & severe penalization of performers of illegal #abortions.

The numbers of illegal abortions rose during WWII, & penalties were severe.

'Abortion & Eugenics in Nazi Germany', by
David, Fleischhacker & Hohn, in 'Population & Development Review', Vol. 14, No. 1 (1988) makes the parallels between the Nazi's & the contemporary US Right's ideological opposition to #abortion crystal clear, & they're fucking terrifying.

And just TODAY, Germany has abolished a Nazi-era law - outlined in the article above - that criminalises doctors who provide information about abortion procedures.

The 'culture war' is a battle for our future - it's progress vs barbarism. Pick a side.…

The German governing alliance, as well as the left-wing Die Linke, voted to scrap paragraph 219a of the German criminal code, which meant any doctor who publicly “offers, announces [or] advertises” abortion services could face penalties of up to two years’ imprisonment or a fine.

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