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Jun 30, 2022, 10 tweets

#KremenchukMall - 5 QUESTIONS:

1/ What shutter speed should a camera have to freeze the movement of the projectiles of the explosion? 1/500th, 1/1000th 1/2000th?

#NATO #WarInUkraine - #falseflag?


2/Can a surveillance camera film with such speed?

#NATO #WarInUkraine #KremenchukMall - #falseflag?

3/ What is the speed of a missile? Is it possible to film it without any motion blur? (Motion and focus blur less than focus blur/quality of rest of scene)

#NATO #WarInUkraine #KremenchukMall #falseflag?

4/ What is this way of light spreading? Why between two parallel lines? No light on the trees above? Compare with the light of the following photogram. (next)

#NATO #WarInUkraine #KremenchukMall #falseflag?

5/ Why is a photogram of the video, precisely the first of the explosion dome, double, just after the "rectangular" light? (no movement) (put sound - click = one frame)

#NATO #WarInUkraine #KremenchukMall - #falseflag?

Checked on another source:

6/ #conspiracy - #media: “this attack at the time of #NATOMadrid2022 can only be a message. »

It stinks of conspiracy theory!

So I'll do: it wouldn't be the first time that Westerners "make up" the facts. #falseflag?

We risk a #WorldWar.

7/ Detail (not very convincing - video after several compressions): White halo and difference in resolution all around the missile + photoshop analysis (increase in contrast) - NO MOTION BLUR!!

Sorry I have on more question :
Why people were already running before the big explosion? Were there two explosions?

#OTAN #WarInUkraine #Kremenchuk #KremenchukMall

One more so 7: does someone know the speed of the X-22, when it hits the ground?
Here they say: flight speed - 3.5-4.6М.

#OTAN #WarInUkraine #Kremenchuk #KremenchukMall

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