Tania Marshall 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿Psychotherapist Author Profile picture
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Jul 2, 2022, 23 tweets

👀Lifeless Eyes👀: In my post Masters externship, my clinical supervisor taught me about the 'eyes'. Many people do not realise these eyes 👀 to be a red flag ⚡️ to stay away from these people. Why do the eyes of narcissists, sociopaths & psychopaths look 'lifeless'? #clues

‘Lifeless’ eyes can be a dissociative state, where a person completely shuts off from their True core Self, inner self identity & emotions. They direct their focus toward their outer environment, a person of interest, or a person of potential threat, devoid of an inner self

These personality types no longer feel typical emotions as this can remove feelings of fear, shame, trauma or vulnerability. Their brains are wired differently than yours. They are unable to label and identify their feelings, have no empathy and can be very dangerous #lessfear

These personality types typically observe the world through a lens of 'chaos' or 'disorder'. They do not feel like they are looking at the world/people from a 'safe' place. They create a vortex of 'dominance' & have a pattern of disrupted social communication & are highly

controlling. They have patterns of making others feel like they are exposed, vulnerable, unsafe & needing to be on the defence. Healthy people experience this 'chaos', bad 'vibes', &/or bad experiences when around them. That is because their psyche & thoughts are chaotic

& disordered, Look for this clue in people where you can 'see' a person who is operating behaviourally in a seemingly 'normal' manner, until they feel 'triggered' by the other person Watch them shut off/switch their emotion system & their eyes change by going lifeless or 'dead'

void of any 'sparkle'. This is often seen clearly seen in mugshots, photographs and/or described by clients in discussing their experiences with this type of person. The eyes truly are the window to the soul. Notice this clue and practice looking for it

It is about domination. This mechanism IS used often by narcissists, sociopaths & psychopaths who cannot 'be' vulnerable & typically vacillate between domination & victimhood, using a wide variety of manipulation tactics #theeyes #clues #redflags #narcissism #Mentalhealth

Look for the 'predatory stare' 🚩 It cuts through the air and will get your attention. It is a behaviour marked by an intense 'staring' that goes through you. You are an 'object' at this time, to be used by this person. Do not ignore this sign. It is a major red flag 🚩

Dangerous people tend to avoid natural eye contact, locking onto another persons gaze without breaking contact. This is anything but natural or 'normal'. It should cause a person to have an inner red flag moment, but for many people it doesn't 🚩

Looking for examples: 👇🏻

In each of these photos there is something qualitatively 'off' with each person. Learn to look for these clues to stay safer in life #staysafe

Look for the pattern across faces

If you have attention to detail you will see what I am pointing too

Far right example is a good one

Look and study the eyes and facial expressions

Here we have expressions that often confuse people. They are known as blended facial expressions, where the eyes and mouth do not match. There are different reasons for this.

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