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Jan 2nd 2023
No Internal Monologue = #Calcified #PinealGland

'The lack of an inner monologue has been linked to a condition called aphantasia — sometimes called "blindness of the mind's eye.…
#Health #awakening
'several studies pointed out the relationship between the pineal calcification and #schizophrenia…
#sociopath #Narcissism
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Nov 15th 2022
Since #WWII, #USA has used #USdollar hegemony to transfer domestic crises, harvest world #wealth and undermine the economic and financial stability of other countries through armed conflicts, financial wars, and trade wars. To maintain US dollar is to maintain US world hegemony. Since #WWII, #USA has used ...
Since March 2022, #FederalReserve has raised interest rates 6X. On 2 Nov, its 75-point rate hike and sharp #USdollar appreciation caused global #currency depreciation, capital outflows, rising debt servicing costs, hiked imported inflation and currency/debt crises of countries.
How this #KhazarianMafia #SCAM all started: At the latter part of #WWII, #USA took the opportunity to hoard tons of #gold and led the establishment of Bretton Woods system based on a peg between #USdollar and gold, thus establishing US dollar as "global hard #currency".
Read 32 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
Thread: Why I recently shifted my Twitter approach after 8 years.

1. Raising awareness of #narcissism is vital for democracy.

2. Unless and until T****, his US enablers, and UK cohorts are held fully accountable, I'm way less interested in the daily political news cycle.
I am survivor of narcissistic abuse by more than one person. Learning about narcissistic personality disorder and related behaviors changed my life. I now feel confident I can protect myself from such people in future.

"The personal is political." -1970s activists.
Entire countries have fallen under the spell of leaders with NPD & other serious disorders.

IMO the view that Donald T*** and Boris Johnson show signs of such disorders is science-based & highly credible. In 2016 Bandy Lee MD sounded the alarm about T****. I didn't listen.
Read 18 tweets
Oct 10th 2022

At one end of the #narcissism spectrum, people may be confident & charming. In the middle, people may be overly focused on seeking out status, success, & admiration, with a need to appear special or superior. At the extreme end, is a disorder...…
As a disorder, people can be self-centred, grandiose & destructive.

People with narcissistic personality disorder tend to overestimate their abilities and exaggerate their achievements. And they are surprised or angry when others don’t notice their accomplishments.
They need constant confirmation of their value, specialness or importance. They may have fantasies about power, success, having perfect lives or relationships, believing these are not only achievable but deserved.
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Oct 8th 2022
Information overload is a huge problem! It will only get worse unless you have #goals, #strategy, and systems for dealing with it. After 35+ years in IT, I'm retooling my personal #Information #technology toolset again. Gathering via @raindrop_io 1/x
see… Image
However, the biggest IT #Algorithms of collecting, sorting, and naming things (#data) really never change. We just have new tools for #DataScience, #Datavisualization, and #datatransformation. As @bobdylan said: Man gave names to all the animals. 2/x
Actually, God said it, Moses wrote it down, and @bobdylan wrote a song about it. Then @Google bought @YouTube and now we can listen it: Man Gave Names to All the Animals - in the beginning - long time ago. 3/x
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Sep 24th 2022
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
A psychology thread

Know someone who thinks they’re better than everyone else but flies off the handle at the slightest criticism? These tips can help you spot narcissism traits and deal with a narcissist.
What is narcissistic personality disorder?

The word narcissism gets tossed around a lot in our selfie-obsessed, celebrity-driven culture, often to describe someone who seems excessively vain or full of themselves.
But in psychological terms, narcissism doesn’t mean self-love—at least not of a genuine sort. It’s more accurate to say that people with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are in love with an idealized, grandiose image of themselves.
Read 79 tweets
Sep 16th 2022
🔥 How to have a better life: KNOW the 6 DARK red flags 🚩 of toxic people & stay away from them: 🔥1. Constant Drama 🎭 those that create, spread or are complicit in gossip, lies, manipulation, deception & gaslighting. Many people are unconsciously addicted to drama due to toxic
Childhood/parents, TV, SM, MSM, government. Be honest with yourself and ask “why am I doing or allowing this?” 🔥2. NARCISSISM: The levels of narcissism have reached epidemic proportions in society. Many people think this is ‘normal’. It’s not. It’s unhealthy & dysfunctional
Notice how the conversation goes back to them. Notice how the subject topic is switched back to them. Notice how it’s all about them. Notice how discussions & conversations go back to them. Notice how they ‘fish’ for compliments. Notice how they hate/envious of others success
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Sep 12th 2022
Therapist Tip: Learn the language of ‘gaslighting’. 🔥Gaslighting IS the ‘denial’ of reality🔥1. “I never said that” 2. “You didn’t say that” 3. “I never did that” 4. “That didn’t happen” 5. “I didn’t go anywhere” (after ghosting you) 6. “You are crazy” 7. “You are a fraud”
8. “You must be forgetting things” 9. “You aren’t remembering it right”. 10. “You have a bad memory”. 11. “You need to get help” 12. “You are making that up” 13. “You are fabricating lies” 14. “It’s your fault” 15. “They all agree with me” 16. “You always remember things wrong”
17. “If you weren’t so…then I wouldn’t have to…” 18. “You made me do it”. 19. “Look what you made me do”. 20. “You always take things the wrong way” 21. “You’re imagining things” 22. “I wouldn’t have done that to you” 23. “You need help” 24. “Why are you always so defensive?”
Read 8 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
From my upcoming book 'Fixated': Analyzing the language of the dark triad': This is an example of common psychopathology in 'language' responses, with consent from a client. These are common responses. What happens when we set boundaries with ASPD, NPD, BPD, etc.? #Mentalhealth
Setting #boundaries with people is healthy. It's what keeps us safe. Trouble is PD's or other socially unskilled people don't like or respect them. Example #1 Q: Please stop following me online, leave my social media alone & stop leaving unwanted comments. A: What do you mean?
Do you want me to ignore you when I'm on the Internet? Pretend you are not there? Or set my settings to screen you out? Or do you want me to have a special software program created specifically that filters your name out every time I'm on the Internet? #toxic #manipulation
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Jul 2nd 2022
Narcissistic abuse is all pervasive, across all areas, affects all involved with a #narcissist. It involves a wide variety of manipulative tactics, is longstanding, highly abusive, coercive, sophisticated, subtle, of long duration, highly controlling, utilzes #narcissistic agents
It is used overtly or covertly by the narcissist or their 'agents'. It is designed to attack your independence, autonomy, to #control you, to break you down because it makes them feel better, period!#Gaslighting works under the guise of caring about you. It is designed to
Get you to deny your own #reality. This is. It loving. Many other manipulative tactics are involved. They are also not loving or kind. A narcissist recruits an entire community to do it's dirty work for him/her. The Narcissitic agents are also part of the problem. It is usually
Read 23 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
👀Lifeless Eyes👀: In my post Masters externship, my clinical supervisor taught me about the 'eyes'. Many people do not realise these eyes 👀 to be a red flag ⚡️ to stay away from these people. Why do the eyes of narcissists, sociopaths & psychopaths look 'lifeless'? #clues
‘Lifeless’ eyes can be a dissociative state, where a person completely shuts off from their True core Self, inner self identity & emotions. They direct their focus toward their outer environment, a person of interest, or a person of potential threat, devoid of an inner self
These personality types no longer feel typical emotions as this can remove feelings of fear, shame, trauma or vulnerability. Their brains are wired differently than yours. They are unable to label and identify their feelings, have no empathy and can be very dangerous #lessfear
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May 21st 2022
Informative summary of #Azov history and role in #UkraineRussiaWar. Based on other information the "#Azov-spirit" is really a reflection of a broader nationalist base that includes most of @ZelenskyUa's closest advisors - so needs no "Nazi party" - it's a pervasive #deepstate.
@ZelenskyUa ... and here's a very enlightening article covering an even larger period (from WWII till #UkraineRussiaWar ), showing how #fasism of a specifically #Ukraine kind could establish itself as a #deepstate within #democracy but outside it's processes.
#Ukraine #deepstate settling old scores from 2014 #Euromaidan-coup. Remember: Yanukovich was democratically-elected president - the LAST to represent both ethnicities, which implied good relations to #Russia - and that was his crime, in the view of ONE:
Read 13 tweets
May 19th 2022
Therapist Tip 👉🏻The Power of 'NO': the word "no" is a 'boundary'. It is a word that establishes or defines the space between you & someone else. It demands respect & is supposed to be learnt learnt through childhood development. It is a universal cue that people use #boundaries
to let others know that you are not OK about something. Boundaries are designed to keep you safe &/or establish ground rules for the relationship. One of the earliest indicators of #RedFlags in toxic people/relationships is a lack of Respect/empathy for the word "no" #SafetyFirst
This lack of respect is an 'indicator' that someone has a character/personality problem &/or flaw. If a person in your life refuses to listen or respect your "no", you may need help because you now have a 'relational' problem
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Apr 15th 2022
Insight into #Russian #fascism (really just #narcissism/#NPD on a grand scale). English translation a pro #Russia blogger- usual dehumanization of #Ukrainians ("evil, not to be thought of as humans"). Notably, this monster lives in #Europe teaching #Russians how to hate & kill us ImageImageImageImage
Ofc it's characteristic of these propagandists - they preach #Russia, "#Russian world" its #fascism, oppose #Europe's values, teach #Russians of horrors of democracy, yet prefer to abuse the same #Europe's values.
How exactly some of the Western #Europe (well, not geographically, #Germany also is included) can allow itself to patronize &"teach" Eastern Europe on problems of #Russian aggression at their borders, when they do business with Russia and have no issue enabling such propaganda
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Jan 25th 2022
#Narcissism thread 🧵 15 (more) questions to ask yourself if you are questioning whether someone is a #narcissist
1. Do they devalue, diminish, demonise or harshly judge you or act as the righteous ‘authority’ figure with you regardless of their age, status or employment? 🚩
Are they #superior? For e.g. A non lawyer preaching to a lawyer about law. 2. Are they #defensive? Do they seem only interested in trying to prove that they are right & you are wrong, in a defensive mode? 🚩They are #competitive not co-operative. Co-operation is a must #healthy
3. Do they demand #attention from you? For e.g., insisting on having the conversation when it’s convenient for them only &/or use emotional #manipulation to ensure conversation happens on ‘their’ terms? They may not answer the question, go off topic, deflect, defensive, accuse 🚩
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Jan 23rd 2022
1. #Narcissism Thread: What is the quickest way to tell if someone is a #narcissist? 🚩Raise a concern with them. Hands down this works Every. Single. Time. #Narcissists are unable to manage conflict. By conflict, I mean be cooperative & problem solve concerns or disagreements
2. I mean being held accountable or addressing a concern with the genuine interest in resolving it. Resolving issues are important to healthy relationships, #trust boundaries & safety. When issues remain unresolved between #Psychology #abused
3. Couples, family members, groups, organisations, it leads to #resentment, #anger & #contempt. This is why: Say you raise an issue with your partner that’s of a concern to you. Your partner disagrees 🚩 & it doesn’t seem like she is listening to you. 🚩You keep trying to express
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Jan 22nd 2022
#Civil and intelligent conversation That involves #criticalthinking skills,self-regulation, #reflection, mutual respect respectful debate, direct conversation are #socialskills all research based Scientific evidence is highly encouraged here. I encourage this on my
Twitter feed to engage in civil #discourse
To #question everything, to be self-aware and insightful,
to allow open #transparent #ooen conversations & discourse free of denial, not listening, talking over others, not letting them finish their sentences, being angry and rageful.
These #behaviors do nothing to advance any cause. #Safeguarders & mediators are very important to the well-being of children miners and disabled adults. when it comes to #childsafety anyone who mocks child safety needs to seriously reflect and/or take A child safety course.
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Jan 19th 2022
The Toxic #Narcissist Cycle of Abuse: 5 Stages Thread
Stage 1:
Love Bombing & Lying:
Your #abuser lies to you from the start, convincing them-self/selves & YOU that you are liked, included, adored, loved & respected. Your #boundaries are respected & you are overly welcomed
In this phase, you will put on their ‘glasses’, be overmedicated on their empty promises, #future faking, deception & lies 👉🏻 all leading to fake #hopeism. They make you wear their glasses whereby you ‘view’ them as from #heaven & ‘saving you’, being ‘right’ or on the right side
You will #believe what they are selling you as they are now your ‘real family’, your #soulmate your ‘twin flame’,
your ‘neurokin’, your ‘transautlet’ your ‘otherkin’ (insert any propaganda) #family You become the centre of their life/group, organisation initially 🚩You find
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Nov 22nd 2021
#narcissists don’t know ‘who’ they are are. They have ‘identity’ problems. That’s why they have to tell you who they are all the time. They will ‘rage’ if you challenge them. The biggest population of narcissists are bosses, CEOS, in television, leadership, activists, influencers
They love to be on camera doing the ‘right’ thing for the children or the animals. But there is another side to them. Be careful. Having boundaries is critical. Covert narcissists are subtle, not obvious. You cannot argue with a narcissist. Their job is to get you to ‘doubt’
your sanity or deny your reality or reality itself. Anyone that causes you to doubt yourself, your reality, your feelings, your thoughts, is NOT a friend. Detox yourself. #psychology #narcissism #arrogance #contempt
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Nov 3rd 2021
1/ #Masterworks is a #parasite 🦠not a #unicorn🦄!

For"democratiz[ing] art" humanity's most impassioned faculty-eternally evolving thus inherently UNSTABLE- must secretly FORCE STABILITY via #totalitarian methods 2 TRANSFORM #CULTURALCAPITAL in2 $ for"all investors"

2/as I took this pic of us painting new fresh art over tired&worn gimmicks of an #artmarket "commodity" we were forwarding the human #aesthetic at the request of building's owner, but simultaneously &unintentionally we were devaluing stock portfolios! Hence #GANGSTALKERS began..
3/ assemble around me in a threatening manner just after #artgallery owner #TonyTaglianetti shouted "it's not up to the building's owner what they have on their walls" and then made a call from across the street..
(@threadreaderapp unroll)
..the #gangstalkers (see pics)then
Read 7 tweets
Sep 3rd 2021
So, it was "awful" of us to push education for women in #Afghanistan. We should have sought the elimination of the Taliban & the terrorists, and the establishment of a society the #Afghans would support. The results couldn't have been worse for women than Young's approach.
In the end, this comes back to the different approaches I mentioned in the first tweet of my response: 'Ought' implies 'can' on my part, something else on Young's part.
Over 6,000 U.S. service people died in the Afghan debacle, and perhaps as many as 150,000 #Afghanis. Trillions of dollars have been wasted. Perhaps I misread her, but Young doesn't seem to give a shit. The U.S. tried, and failure and its costs are irrelevant. So is the prospect
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Oct 20th 2020
Read 11 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
There's a group on #Flickr whose title always gives me a laugh: "Narcissism in Color". When I make selfies, I have to admit that I am very much like Narcissus of mythology: the person who looks at them the most is me. This audience leans over the edge of the pool and dreams.
There's a strong association between #narcissism and dreams in #mythology. Many of us dream of that face in the pool, giving it fame that we think we deserve. The Instagrams of young people attract many likes. But this is no country for old men.
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Jun 1st 2020
Today is World Narcissist Abuse Awareness Day.

Not all abusers who #coercivecontrol are #narcissists but a significant number are, so it’s useful to understand not only what narcissism is, but also that it falls on a continuum.

Many personality psychologists believe that there are five core personality traits. These are often referred to as the "Big 5" personality traits:
- extroversion
- agreeableness
- openness
- conscientiousness
- neuroticism

More here:…
Being on the extremes of any of these traits is not healthy.

Benign narcissists have milder versions of the patterns observed in #narcissism:
- Entitlement
- Low levels of empathy
- Arrogance
- Superficiality
- validation seeking
- overly sensitive to criticism
Read 11 tweets

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