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Expert generalist. RAS Syndrome survivor. AARP member. Ex of Michelle Leslie Brown from 225 street. Mi Fi Mi

Jul 11, 2022, 6 tweets

The latest test publisher marketing gimmicks is test scores help you "stand out" but by the nature and design of standardized testing at least 50% will NOT STAND OUT.

"When our powers combine. . . "

we'll convince students that testing will help you stand out.


Oh my.. the #GRE is so so desperate

trying hard to make institutions think the test is testing relevant skills and making applicants think that the test is necessary to "dreams."

also aggressively trying to become the bschool and law school test

#Marketing #GRExit

the new test publisher catch phrase is "stand out"


Looking at how @CollegeBoard defines what the SAT measures and it's pure spin and #marketing BS.

- How does a test reinforce anything?
- whats most important for undefined generic "career"
- listing algebra (>33%) and trig (<10%) as if equal is deceptive

There is a lot of branding going on in this signature ... I'm not sure it's about education anymore (was it ever?)

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